Atom’s Blog

Enlightenment is the mastery of the inside of The Matrix, not all that exists on its outside.

But you have to go outside The Matrix to be able to master what’s inside.

Buddhism calls such an adept a Mahasattva.

A photograph captures an image of the Light Body.

How did it get from point A to point B at the speed of light?

Imagine 100 cameras – or a thousand or a million – taking a photo of a single image.

What are the disadvantages of the Light Body?

(1) It’s confined to the speed of light.

(2) It’s confined to a 50 picometer resolution.

Electrons have wavelengths about 100,000 times shorter than visible light photons.

A Light Body is confined to the limits of an electron (optical) microscope.

The Logos is sound, and it emits Logoic Rays.

Light can’t penetrate the Abyss, otherwise known as the Rings-Pass-Not.

Scientists call it the event horizon of a black hole.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) called it SURFACE TENSION.

The Rings-Pass-Not are subdivided into Sunn and Maha Sunn, the voids that separate the Creator from the Created.

The “non-decaying instant-transporting level of existence” is beyond both the view and the speed of light.

Adano said, “This is an atom-sphere. Your will to live holds the atoms together. Your will to die demagnetizes the atoms.”

The Light Body is subservient to the Volition Body, energy taking orders from mind (will power), and not the other way around.

Energy Healing is a misnomer. Mental Healing is a step beyond Energy Healing up to its ultimate manifestation as Consciousness acting on Consciousness, or Mind acting on Mind, or Placebo acting on Placebo.

An example of Placebo acting on Placebo is Neo’s mastery of The Matrix at the end of the 1999 movie of the same name.

(The Matrix trilogy ends with Neo confronting the next level – Beingness acting on Placebo.)

Chemistry is regulated by energy (light), in turn regulated by mind (consciousness).

Adano said, “A baby is not soul. A baby is chemistry. A shirt is just a name. It’s really a cloth.”

Adano maintained that even an unenlightened person has enough atoms in their body “to run twelve suns,” and that “we cell our cells short.”

He said …

“When you look inside, you can travel at the speed of light squared. Outside, the fastest you can travel is the speed of light. Delta level is the speed of light.”

At the speed of light, light travels no distance and takes no time to do it.

Richard Feynman noted that a single cup of the zero-point energy that pervades the universe contains enough energy to “boil all the world’s oceans.”

Someone pointed a loaded gun at Adano, and he aggressively taunted the man to pull the trigger.

Later he explained, “When you’re traveling the same speed as the bullet, no one can shoot you.”


'Enlightenment Within The Matrix Is Unsound' have 7 comments

  1. February 11, 2014 @ 11:20 pm atomb

    Check out my e-books at …

  2. February 11, 2014 @ 11:29 pm Jim

    If you woke up to a few minutes of a Red 250W Incandescent Heat Bulb what would your cells say?

    • February 12, 2014 @ 4:44 pm atomb

      If it were between 6:00-9:00 a.m., my cells would say, “Perfect timing!” :)

  3. February 18, 2014 @ 6:46 pm Ann

    Hello Atom, I don’t understand your ramblings many times. I still have many Virgo traits and I like things straight to the point……Nevertheless I’m sure you are a genius! WHen you coming to the UK? Ann

    • February 19, 2014 @ 2:20 am atomb


      I have no plans to go to the U.K., but anything is possible. :)

  4. February 19, 2014 @ 3:31 am Kelsey


    I live in Portland, Oregon. The Solar Liberation Front sounds awesome. I hope it comes to fruition. I will take your advice and study more of the information you have provided. Thank you!

    P.S. Any thoughts on multiple Sclerosis? What would be your recommended therapy?
    Thank You!

    • February 19, 2014 @ 4:47 am atomb

      I lived in Portland in the 1990s, and managed a Healthways health food store.

      My favorite hangout was Powell’s City of Books. :)

      There’s an association between milk and MS.

      I’m having Internet connectivity issues during my final week here in New Zealand, so ask me again after March 1st, and I’ll give you a more detailed answer.

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