The thumb – or METAL digit – holds the power of Life and Death – “thumbs up” or “thumbs down.”

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“We’re the last but not the least. Last is first, and first is last. We are first in quality, but environment is first in quantity. The dolphin came first and can never be greater than the last – YOU. The porpoise can be the middle finger – important – but not the thumb.”

(One of the best and the most lengthy discussions about the differences between “quality” and “quantity” is the theme of Robert M. Pirsig’s 1974 novel, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, an inquiry into the “Metaphysics of Quality.”)

Walter Sorell (The Story of the Human Hand, 1967) wrote …

“The thumb is the power that nature bestowed on man. It is power incarnate, the only finger fed by man’s subconscious and the only one to represent total freedom from everything to which it is tied.”

Adano called the thumb “the strongest and weakest finger,” explaining …

“If you hold it under the other four fingers, it’s vulnerable. If you hold it over them, you have a martial arts fist that can punch through a wall.”

The thumb tucked under the four fingers is Body Language for PRESENCE being dominated by the Four Elements of the Horoscope – AIR, FIRE, WATER, and EARTH.

The thumb held away from the four fingers is Body Language for PRESENCE escaping the domination of the Four Elements.

The thumb locked securely over the four fingers is Body Language for PRESENCE having DOMINION over the Four Elements.

PRESENCE is LIFE or SONICS – the Audible Life Stream or Sound Current.

Adano said …

“The fourth finger of the hand is critical. Karma can’t go past the fourth generation.”

Karma can’t cross the Rings-Pass-Not (surface tension).

The index finger – AIR digit – denotes the personal ego.

It’s the “I am Number One” finger as well as the “Now you listen to me” finger.

The index finger says “Excuse me” to interject itself into a conversation, and its beckoning gesture means “Come here (to me).”

It’s also the G-spot finger.

Matilde Battistini (Symbols and Allegories in Art, 2002, 2005) wrote …

“The extended index finger alludes to the creative power of art, the most potent antidote to death.”

The index finger symbolizes CRUCIFIXION – the mind totally dominated by the Four Elements, an esoteric meaning of the CROSS.

The thumb symbolizes RESURRECTION – the mind having dominion over the Four Elements.

Resurrection is the ultimate example of mind over matter – and mind over energy.

Adano disapproved of the “overpacified and tranquilized,” declaring …

“I’m the shitty Nitty-Gritty.”

He advocated “tempering” things with the middle finger – FIRE digit – to “achieve vibrancy.”

He said …

“There are two types of disciplines – the holier than thou and the shitty Nitty-Gritty type.”

He called the middle finger Shiva Lingam, and recommended using it to “phase off hostility.”

Tantric Sexuality PS …

To supplement the beneficial effects of Kegel exercises on female sexual potency, stretch the pelvic floor muscles by inserting the index and middle fingers into the vagina and spreading them to enhance sensory awareness.

This stretch sometimes triggers a vaginal contraction (stretch reflex) of the PFMs.

It’s no accident that the only fingers useful for this stretch are the AIR and FIRE fingers.

The large intestine and the Large Intestine Meridian are important for sexuality and childbirth and essential for Tantric Sexuality.

(Maybe To Be Continued)




'Even More About the 5 Power Fingers' have 3 comments

  1. December 16, 2011 @ 9:44 pm atomb

    Re: karma passed down seven generations?

    It’s written that God does not “punish” for a “sin” for more than three or four generations.

    Karma can be resolved at the index finger (cosmic consciousness) or at the thumb (God consciousness).

    The ratio (the 2D:4D ratio) between the index finger and the ring finger seems to be a measure of androgen versus estrogen levels during fetal development.

    Men tend to have longer ring fingers compared to their index finger, and women vice versa.

    Yes, allegedly, Napoleon’s index finger was longer than his middle finger, known by palmists as a “Napoleonic Jupiter,” said to be an indication of extreme ego.

    Napoleon had a wound on the inside of his left ring finger from boar hunting.

    He was left-handed.

  2. December 20, 2011 @ 7:53 am Matt

    I often catch myself sitting with my thumb tucked between my index and middle fingers (mostly on my right hand). I also like to wrap my thumb over the base of my index finger and tuck it under the middle finger (but only on my left hand). Any insights?

    • December 20, 2011 @ 10:32 am atomb

      They’re probably comfort gestures, Body Language versions of a “Linus blanket.”

      Almost everyone has one or more. :)

      A right-side tucking indicates an insecurity – or insecurities – involving a specific woman.

      Tucking the thumb under the fingers is a way of re-experiencing the security of the womb – the “whole in every part” nature of a hologram.

      A dog burrows under a blanket for the same reason.

      The versions you describe are more complex and were probably acquired postnatally.

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