Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …
“Breast cancer is caused by a lack of self-nurturing. If women would self-massage their own breasts with love, there would be no more breast cancer.”
Better yet, have your man fondle your breasts with love for health’s sake.
You definitely have an issue with self-nurturing if a man like that isn’t in your bed and life.
Fondling flushes toxins out of the breasts and allows nutrients to flow in.
Fondling has mechanical, hormonal, electromagnetic, and barometric benefits.
If you don’t have a partner – or really don’t prefer one in your life – auto-sexuality is helpful and healthful.
Timothy Murrell, M.D., of Australia, organized a study of 5,000 women and reported …
“We would expect to be seeing two or three breast cancers a year based on a population of this size. All I can say is that we have not seen one since we began.”
What’s the best time for breast fondling and nipple stimulation?
There’s four times in a 24-hour day ideal for fondling.
These four times combine to form the Sexual Quaternity …
(1) Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 a.m.),
(2) Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 p.m.),
(3) Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.), and
(4) Liver Time (1:00-3:00 a.m.).
(By the way, Liver Time is the best time for kinky sex.)
Use ice on your nipples for extra flushing.
Are there reflexology points to help flush out breast toxins?
Yes. Here’s one of the best of them …
Rub across the entire posterior side of both feet just below the toes.
The reflexology points for Cooper’s suspensory ligaments – to prevent “Cooper’s droop” and keep the breasts supple and firm – are in the same area close to the pinky toes.
Tantric Reflexology will be taught at Atom’s School of Self Healing when it finally swings open its doors.
It’s all in Divine Timing. When the public is ready, I’ll show up. :)
Meanwhile, our e-books & e-booklets are available at …
'Fondle Your Breasts With Love To Flush Out Toxins' have 8 comments
October 28, 2012 @ 3:58 pm atomb
Damaris Christensen (Science News, Aug. 10, 2002) wrote …
“The longer a woman breast-feeds her children and the more children she has, the less likely she’ll be to develop breast cancer.”
Fortunately, there’s childless ways to avoid breast cancer.
October 28, 2012 @ 4:20 pm atomb
“In a way, my life has been an upside-down experience. I never made love to the men I married, and I did not marry the men I loved. I do not know if that makes me a good girl gone bad or a bad girl gone good.” – Beatice Wood
The “Mama of Dada” (1893-1998) lived to 105 and was a long-time resident of Ojai, California.
October 28, 2012 @ 4:25 pm atomb
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi
October 28, 2012 @ 5:33 pm atomb
Dietary mercury helps transcend the Rings-Pass-Not (Sunn and Maha Sunn).
I eat mercury ON TIME and with certain combinations.
Mercury is precipitated by the ovalbumin in egg white or the lactalbumin in milk proteins, which is why they are both antidotes to mercury poisoning.
Milk is a midday food, and eggs are an evening food.
October 28, 2012 @ 5:34 pm atomb
TAME mercury, don’t AVOID it. :)
October 28, 2012 @ 5:57 pm Lucy
Hi Atom,
Since Chronobiotic Diet I started eating cheese and eggs.
I was a vegan,but I always liked eggs.Now,cheese and yogurt I have some problem with,and when I eat them gives me some nause.
Same with milk. Maybe I do remember that my mother´s milk dried with my father´s death and she did not feed me as a child.(?).
But eggs -no problem at all.
How could I go deep into the trauma? Thanks so much -Hugs:)
October 28, 2012 @ 6:33 pm atomb
Hold that question, Lucy.
Tao willing and if the cricks don’t rise, my Road Trip will be over in four or five days. :)
April 27, 2017 @ 7:52 am FUSIRAI TAWANDA
Thank you so much for life saving information.If all women understand this and stop sticking to cultures that forbid breast fondling,then we will not register any case of breast cancer.Husbands must take this seriously and save their wives’ life in a loving way.