Re: Does Master Chen use acupuncture?
I’ve never caught him with a needle in his hand, but it’s an understatement to say he’s a world expert on the subject.
I’ve heard Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) say (at Two Creek Ranch in Texas) …
“A true acupuncturist uses no more than three needles. One is all you need. You always go in front of the stream. The lousy people always chase the water. A good doctor knows to stay in front of the water.”
“That’s why in Tai Ji, intent before the movement.”
“You got to sacrifice a few houses. Run ahead of the flood, and direct it to ocean.”
“Working on the Eight Extraordinary Channels is creating income. Work on the Twelve is spending income.”
“Postheaven is the Twelve Meridians.”
“Dan Tian follows the Belt Channel to Gall Bladder 30.”
“Heal your body so you don’t have stinky Qi.”
“Trim the stinky Qi.”
“Stinky Qi goes very deep.”
“Stinky Qi is not only sticking to your organs, but your joints and tendons … and the way you think.”
“So much life is stinky Qi, so much dragging your feet.”
“People who want to be extraordinary rise like balloon. Their head is in the cloud but feet not on ground.”
“True Taoist practitioner always walk the talk.”
'Four Acupuncture Needles Are Too Many' have 6 comments
March 2, 2014 @ 5:17 pm atomb
Master Chen is a 14th generation Wu Dang Zhang Sanfeng lineage holder and a 25th generation Long Men Taoist Priest.
March 2, 2014 @ 5:26 pm atomb
Remember Gurdjieff’s “Three Ways and a Fourth†…
The Way of the Fakir (First Chakra),
The Way of the Monk (Second Chakra),
The Way of the Yogi (Third Chakra), and
The Way of the Sly Man (Fourth Chakra).
Gurdjieff also called his Way of the Sly Man HAIDA YOGA – “hurry-up yoga,†or working in the midst of life.
The SHATTARI “HURRY UP†METHOD of the Sufis is similar in concept.
My Sufi teacher Adnan Sarhan is a teacher of the Rapid Method.
The Fifth Level requires a MENTOR to take you through the Rings-Pass-Not (neti-neti).
March 2, 2014 @ 6:08 pm atomb
51 tons of antibiotics are consumed EVERY DAY in the U.S. alone.
80 percent (13,540,000 kilograms) of that is consumed by livestock.
Aquaculture uses 150,000 kilograms a day, and crops consume 70,000 kilograms a day.
March 2, 2014 @ 7:48 pm atomb
It’s unfortunate that the average cancer victim is trapped in a vice between unconscionable and/or ignorant doctors and unconscionable and/or ignorant quacks.
Hey, you hypocrite, Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
The biggest cancer quacks are radiologists and chemotherapists.
Nice work if you can get it – for example, the median expected salary for a physician-radiologist is $375,936 a year (not including “productivity bonuses” for killing more patients).
March 3, 2014 @ 9:25 am John
Hi Atom, are there any recipie books for solar nutrition ?
March 3, 2014 @ 10:20 pm atomb
There may be a breakfast recipe book available.
I’ll see if I can track it down for you, John.