Re: can ayahausca or DMT cure obsessive compulsive disorder or would the residues or entities the shamans connect to be a no-no?

Yes, ayahausca can shift psychological engrams, but “better living through chemistry” is not the highest choice.

Neo-shamans believe ayahausca has something to do with spirituality.

The concept of an entheogen – “generating the divine from within” – is false.

It’s an example of bottom-up psycho-physiology – chemistry creates consciousness.

Top-down consciousness (frequency) creates chemistry, not the other way around.

Shamanism is alive and well, disguised as Dr. Daniel Amen’s “neutraceuticalism.”

It’s SOMA revisited …

“We have drunk Soma and become immortal; we have attained the light, the Gods discovered.”

In the words of Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty), psychedelics show the “geography of the human brain.”

Spirituality is a lifestyle, not brain chemistry.

Adano took LSD back in the day in Montreal, Canada, courtesy of the American C.I.A.

Contrary to “medical” belief, psychedelics can enhance creativity.

I’m on the Magic Bus when calling these drugs “psychoactive,” but off the bus when calling them “entheoactive.”

Adano was way north of the cheering section when it came to “mindfulness.”

Mindfulness advocates like Thich Nhat Hanh wouldn’t have been able to relate to the goings-on at Swami Nitty-Gritty’s Karma Klinic.

Gurdjieff described drug-like experiences as being knocked unconscious and waking up in Paradise, then being knocked unconscious again and being back in a finite body.

Until you can go to “Paradise” via your own will power, such experiences actually hinder spiritual evolution.

Drugs are the chemical equivalent of bureaucratic welfare.

Drugs supply you with a night’s fish dinner, but don’t teach you how to fish.


'Generating the Divine From Within With Drugs?' have 2 comments

  1. December 14, 2013 @ 2:15 am atomb

    Swami Nitty-Gritty’s definition of Paradise is “beyond desire.”

    My e-books are available at …

  2. December 14, 2013 @ 2:24 am atomb

    So you think GMOs are a threat?

    Many of our crops are mutated in ATOMIC GARDENS.

    MUTATION BREEDING started in the 1920s, and giant GAMMA GARDENS were created in the U.S., Europe, and Russia after World War II.

    The ATOMS FOR PEACE program first relied on EMOTION MANAGEMENT until it was realized that HISTORICAL AMNESIA worked better.

    I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE was deliberately mistranslated as I AM THAT I AM courtesy of “school bell consciousness.”

    Many mutagenic foods and herbs are sold to the public as “organic.”

    The 1% is having a good laugh at our expense.

    Even paranoids have enemies. LOL

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