I recommend getting ALL vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, etc., from FOOD only.
I’m foursquare (characterized by firm and unwavering conviction) against ALL non-plant- and non-animal-based products and supplements.
Recently, Hippocrates Health Institute and Dr. Bryant Clement endorsed one of these supplements, including the statement …
“This mineral-rich liquid supplement was of interest to us since the global public, in great part, lacks the full spectrum of minerals and trace minerals necessary to maintain health and reduce premature aging.”
There is NO global mineral deficiency crisis except the one created by media hype.
Excessive minerals and trace elements are actually a major CAUSE of inflammation and premature aging. (See below.)
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) was very clear on the subject …
“We don’t suffer from lack of eating. We suffer from potluck eating.”
“Vitamin and mineral supplements carve out the cell. They energize but they don’t supply nutrition. They should be regarded as drugs.”
“Health is a conditional timing of the movement of fluids and solids through the mechanism. Health is not something you can buy in a store.”
Adano once shouted …
“The trouble with Americans is they’re too damn fat!”
Most Americans need a series of colonic purges (colon cleansing), not a vitamin, mineral, and enzyme protocol.
The saying goes (and scientific studies confirm), “Big Belly, Small Brain.”
Central obesity (belly fat) has nothing to do with vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and a whole lot to do with gluttony and “killer desserts.”
Kurt Schnaubelt (in his preface to Yes, No, Maybe: Chronobiotic Nutrition, by Marcella Vonn Harting & Atom Bergstrom, 2004, 2010) wrote …
“… conventional wisdom in the field of nutrition has gone down the road of ingredient-mindedness, focusing on things such as decaf espresso with soy milk, selenium and tryptophan, beta glucans and folic acid. But the bottom line is that supplements are offered by an industry driven as much by research as the need to market and self-differentiate. This means that public awareness for all types of supplements is at an all time high. Conversely, awareness of the actual food we eat is apparently at an all time low, with the exception of negative awareness for perceived bad components. Terms such as ‘97% fat free,’ ‘low sodium’ and ‘low cholesterol’ speak to that negative awareness. They describe our skewed perception of food as a melange of ingredients rather than a product of animate nature!”
Excessive minerals and trace elements are a major cause of inflammation, disease, and premature aging.
Before you take another tablespoon from that bottle of trace elements you bought at the health food store, keep in mind that trace elements, especially the ALKALIZERS, promote aging and DNA/RNA errors.
Joan Arehart-Treichel, “Probing the Aging Process: GRC scientists are seeking not the Fountain of Youth but ways of helping us all live to a healthy old age,” Science News, Jan. 8, 1977) wrote …
“First, they [Gunther Eichhorn and his colleagues] have found that the content of trace minerals in cells changes with aging, mostly increasing, thus suggesting that trace metals may be a vital factor in whether cells live out their genetically programmed lifespans or not. Second, they have found that metal ions can sabotage the transcription of DNA into RNA. (For example, platinum complexes can hook onto a DNA molecule and keep RNA from copying a correct message from it.) They can also alter the specificity of enzymes that act on DNA, produce cross-links between DNA chains, or even degrade RNA. (The ions, however, do not appear capable of degrading DNA, which has led to the postulate that DNA may have been chosen over RNA as the primary bearer of genetic information because DNA is not susceptible to metal ions.) Finally, the researchers point out that metal ions can mess up the transcription of RNA into proteins in unforgivable ways.”
Reactive oxygen damage (oxygen poisoning) and DNA/RNA damage are also caused by …
(1) reactive nitrogen species,
(2) reactive iron species (rust),
(3) reactive copper species (verdigris),
(4) reactive zinc species,
(5) reactive vanadium species,
(6) yada yada yada.
Don Tolman, Farmacist Desk Reference: Encyclopedia of Whole Food Medicine, Vol. 1, 2007) wrote ..
“That [senate document 138] was step one needed to convince the 1950’s America that food was no longer good ’cause our dirt’s no good. We took it hook line and sinker. There are millions of ‘Disease Fighting, pill swallowing’ suckers born every minute it seems.”
He also wrote (in the same book) …
“Plants synthesize from water and air the nutrition they need. They don’t even eat dirt, that’s the big ‘supplement lie.’ For instance; if trees ate dirt, the forest would fall in the hole.”
Helena Curtis (Biology, Second Edition, 1968, 1975) wrote …
“Van Helmont grew a small willow tree in an earthenware pot for four years, adding only water to the pot. At the end of five years, the willow had increased in weight by 164 pounds, while the earth decreased in weight by only 2 ounces.”
Jan Baptist van Helmont (1579-1644) was the “founder of pneumatic chemistry.”
'Get Your Vitamins, Minerals, & Enzymes From FOOD Only' have 5 comments
January 1, 2013 @ 11:11 pm lucy
Hi Atom,
Thank you so much for all the amazing info,always in all ways.
I am loving the chronobiotic lifestyle,and I found so much easier to eat like that. The most difficult part is dealing with people – if they don’t understand vegetarianism,think about sun diet.Sun diet? How do you deal with this people,some “friends”,co-workers,family members,and some restaurants that covers the salads with onions and carrots for zone 2.
This has been my most difficult part. And,be free of vitamins,supplements,…and just eat on time is just a bless.Thanks again. Hugs and kisses,Lucy <3
January 14, 2013 @ 3:23 pm atomb
Apologies for the delay, Lucy! Your question got lost in the shuffle.
I had the same challenge explaining Solar Nutrition when I began eating “in time” in 1975 … years prior to chronobiologists discovering the Food-Entrainable Clock Genes in the brain’s VMN are just as important as the Light-Entrainable Clock Genes in the SCN.
The best strategy is telling your friends there’s thousands of scientific studies on circadian rhythms going all the way back before Linnaeus’ Flower Clock in 1751.
How well the skilful gardener drew
Of flow’rs and herbs this dial new;
Where from above the milder sun
Does through a fragrant zodiac run;
And, as it works, th’ industrious bee
Computes its time as well as we.
How could such sweet and wholesome hours
Be reckoned but with herbs and flow’rs!
– Andrew Marvell, “The Garden,” 1678
January 14, 2013 @ 3:58 pm atomb
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
– Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
March 3, 2013 @ 1:40 am Phil Moufarrege
What a fantastic article.
The “soil depletion” is a myth created by supplement companies to sell you ground up rocks as isolated vitamins that the cells do not identify with.
If the plant grows and bears fruit/vegetables then it’s clear it got all the nutrition it needed. Plants synthesize their nutrition from sunlight and water. There are thousands of different species of soil that you can plant a tomato 2 metres away and it’s mineral analysis will show different results.
if something doesn’t grow in your backyard, dig it out and plant it 10 metres away. Chances are it’s a different soil and it’ll grow just fine once it finds the species it likes.
supplements contain no life whatsoever. Plant them, they will not grow, they will not even mold. They have nothing to offer you.
Isolated vitamins lead to many illnesses like kidney disease, liver issues, gout and more.
Nature is complex so that we don’t have to be. You can eat all the carrots you want it’s impossible to “overdose”. but as soon as you isolate it and process it into an isolated vitamin it becomes toxic to the cells.
Our modern society is the sickliest it has ever been, and we have the most pharmaceutical and miracle supplement magic pills than ever before. nature has billions of years of science, it’s all worked out for us already, everything balanced perfectly in a potato or peach or apple.
there is a reason why an apple looks like an apple. That is the physical manifestation it needs to represent in order to contain what it contains. in order for a pill to do what an apple can do it would have to look exactly like it and taste exactly like it and be made from the exact same thing it is made from.
you cannot live off supplements, but you can live off apples. no one can say apples are depleted when you can live off them and not magic miracle supplement pills/elixirs/potions
March 3, 2013 @ 2:00 am atomb
Phil ..
WOW!!!! WELL WRITTEN. Nothing more need be said. :)
Ever New Joy,