One obesity issue is overlooked by today’s medical professionals – the downward displacement of internal organs due to excess weight and other causes.

This downward displacement was diagnosed as “Glenard’s disease” over a hundred years ago.

It was diagnosed by French physician Frantz Glenard (1848-1920), and was also called visceroptosis and enteroptosis.

Today Glenard’s disease is so ubiquitous it’s not even recognized as a medical problem.

Yet imagine a spleen so ptosed (prolapsed) that it was mistaken for a uterine fibroid.

Or imagine a stomach situated below the hips.

Or a liver split in half by displaced ribs.

Or a heart misshapen by the displacement of other organs.

splanchnoptosis = prolapsed spleen.

gastroptosis = prolapsed stomach.

hepatotosis = prolapsed liver.

nepthrotosis = prolapsed kidney.

coloptosis = prolapsed colon.

The main cause of Glenard’s disease is obesity, especially CENTRAL OBESITY.

A secondary cause is FLABBINESS.

Another cause is CHAIR-SITTING, although partial immunity is offered by sitting in a high-backed rocking chair.

Another cause is a CROOKED SPINE, especially …

kyphosis = “roundback,” “hunchback,” “dowager’s hump.”

lordosis = “saddle back,” “hollow back.”

scoliosis = “S-shaped spine” (sometimes scoliosis occurs as a “C-shaped spine”).

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) taught 5 remedial exercises for visceroptosis.

He called them the BASIC 5, and they were done in specific order at specific times.


'Glenard’s Disease Is Ignored By Modern Medicine' have 5 comments

  1. January 31, 2014 @ 5:18 am atomb

    My e-books are available at …

  2. January 31, 2014 @ 4:56 pm Helen

    Hello Amazing At-OM

    I’m interested in understanding what causes an s-shaped spine? and how can this be corrected? for both kids and the more mature of us here :)


    • January 31, 2014 @ 7:44 pm atomb

      One common cause of an S-shaped spine is carrying school books. Handedness contributes to the problem.

      Of course, diet is important.

      I’ll probably continue writing about visceroptosis in future blog entries.

      If I forget (I don’t have access to memory-promoting raw organic walnuts and pecans on my visit to New Zealand), feel free to remind me.

  3. February 8, 2014 @ 10:24 am gav

    Which of your e-books contain the BASIC 5?

  4. February 9, 2014 @ 7:41 pm atomb

    Unfortunately, none of my e-books. :(

    The best I can do for now is show you this link from my friends at Longevity Circuit …

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