Your body can get all the oxygen it needs without a single red blood cell if you’re in a hyperbaric chamber calibrated to slightly above two atmospheres of pressure.
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) and George Wellington Adams (El Tigre) collaborated on a “Samadhi Machine” in Houston.
Adano wrote out a check for two bathyspheres.
The idea was to combine the best features of sensory deprivation with those of hyperbaric pressure.
George was a professional hardhat diver who had explained the many benefits of hyperbaric pressure to medical doctors in the 1950s, and had played a pivotal role in the re-emergence of hyperbaric medicine.
Re-emergence? Yes.
A giant ball hyperbaric hospital was constructed in 1928.
It was six stories high and had 72 pressurized rooms.
Most of its metal was converted into tanks for World War II. :(
George had traveled worldwide as a diver for the petroleum industry, and had taught diving skills to astronauts to prepare them for the weightlessness of space travel.
He is a forgotten pioneer of hyperbaric science and my cosmic redneck buddy of the 1970s and 1980s.
Hyperbaric medicine can be used to treat …
… carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, air embolism, anemia, pernicious anemia, sickle-cell anemia, shock trauma from blood loss, senility, sepsis, rheumatism, arthritis, influenza, emphysema, asthma, hay fever, lung edema, pneumonia, diabetes, neuritis, skin ulcers, barbiturate overdose, bone fractures, acidosis, syphilis, uremic poisoning, tetanus, hypertension (high blood pressure), myocardial infarction (heart attack), osteoradionecrosis (death of bone cells following irradiation), osteomyelitis (acute or chronic bone infection), actinomycosis (a chronic bacterial infection affecting the face and neck), and even “Cooper’s droop” (sagging breasts).
Carbon monoxide poisoning causes twenty times more brain damage when treated with oxygen at normal pressure than when treated with oxygen under pressure.
So why doesn’t every hospital own a hyperbaric chamber?
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'Global Acupressure (Hyperbaric Pressurization)' have 4 comments
May 26, 2012 @ 4:07 pm atomb
Acupressure uses the sharp side of the knife.
Hyperbaric pressurization and REFLEXOLOGY use the dull side of the knife.
May 26, 2012 @ 6:47 pm atomb
On the subject of sharp and flat, cancer isn’t about chemistry.
Subcutaneous injections of chemically inert cellulose don’t cause cancer if the cellulose fibers are round, only if they’re sharp.
Round asbestos fibers don’t cause cancer. Sharp asbestos fibers DO.
Solar Nutrition is about STRUCTURE and GEOMETRY, not about chemistry.
In Chinese medicine, Yin moves outward and Yang moves inward.
Cancer cannot form “in the round.”
It takes elongation.
Confining your leg to a cast slows the development of cancer – and hinders pregnancy.
Traction speeds the development of cancer – and supports pregnancy.
GEOMETRIC BODY RESONANCE will be a course of study at Atom’s School of Self Healing.
May 26, 2012 @ 7:24 pm atomb
Stretching can also activate a defense mechanism.
For example, gadolinium is a stretch-activated channel blocker that discourages lung cell proliferation.
GADOLINIUM is atomic element number 64 of the Periodic Table, and one of the “56 Trace Elements” of Solar Nutrition Three.
Emanuel Revici, M.D., classified gadolinium as a catabolic element hierarchically associated with the sub-nucleus level of the body (genetic and chromosomal “submorphologic” formations).
Colonel Dinshah Ghadiali (as well as Swami Nitty-Gritty) assigned PURPLE as gadolinium’s “single color spectral predominance.”
May 26, 2012 @ 8:11 pm atomb
Swami Nitty-Gritty said, “An hallucinogenic reaction is a memory-bank clean-up. Drugs only let you see the geography of the brain.”
He also said …
“Don’t put your faith in the optics. You fixate to an object. You merge with the sonics. But there is no greater joy than to dwell in the optics.”
Birth trauma is about optics and Jung.
Spermal trauma is about sonics and Freud.
“Freudian” dream analysis is actually Stekelian dream analysis, but Freud got blamed for it.
While Freud was fishing from the back of a whale, Jung was busy explaining away his own spinal reflex arc, as Gurdjieff irreverently noted.