Global Food Fraud

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Let’s demand LIFE imprisonment for food fraud. Governments already do that for illegal drugs, weapons, and slavery.

It’s a crap-shoot when you buy from people you don’t know.

The larger the company, the more lax local, national, and international government authorities and bureaucrats are about authenticity.


Some of the most exclusive restaurants in the world don’t realize they’re serving their customers rapeseed oil with a few drops of added chlorophyll and beta carotene as extra virgin olive oil.

Plus, the labels often show fictitious dates, so the oil is often “aged” (great for wine but not for oil).

The same goes for wholesale markets and supermarkets.


Q — So, what can we count on to be “real?”

A — We’re real … and our friends are real.

You can start by being a locavore instead of being a globalist.

Humanity has dug itself into a gigantic abyss of depravity, and it will take dedication and cooperative effort to climb out of it.


84% of olive oil worldwide is at minimum partly adulterated. Much of it is totally fake.

Crime syndicates run the food business because the penalties are insignificant compared to drugs, weapons, and slavery.

Some fake olive oils are even made from industrial lubricants. See the 2017 arrests in Calabria, Italy.


Michelle Smith (Olive Oil Times, Feb. 16, 2017) wrote …

“Selling fake olive oil isn’t a pauper’s scheme. Last year, high-quality olive oil was selling for as much as $50 a gallon while fake products cost only $7 to make, a 60 Minutes segment noted. ‘The profit margin can be three times better than cocaine,’ journalist Tom Mueller said during the show.”


In Atom World, life imprisonment with no chance of parole would be adequate justice for food fraud — confining these evil-doers to 10 second “cities,” the time it takes for them to crawl across their dingy cells.


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