The Gall Bladder Flush purges the gall bladder.

It’s best to be monitored by a friend or health professional (holistic or otherwise) while doing this flush.

It’s not an easy one. (I’ve done it four times.)

Take 4 ounces of olive oil with 4 ounces of apple juice before going to bed at night.

Do the same first thing in the morning.

Then drink 4 ounces of apple juice with 4 ounces of distilled water every hour until noon.

Take 4 ounces of corn oil with 4 ounces of tomato juice at noon.

Then drink 4 ounces of apple juice with 4 ounces of distilled water again until bedtime.

Repeat the first night’s 4 ounces of olive oil with the 4 ounces of apple juice before going to bed, and keep going until all green pea-shaped balls cease evacuating out with the bowel movement.

Contrary to the holistic health community’s widespread fixation, these green balls are NOT gallstones (and certainly not liver stones), but this flush can still be beneficial for gall bladder energetics, and occasionally it dislodges actual gallstones and sometimes groups of smaller ones.

All gallstones sink, even cholesterol-based ones, although they may sink slower.

Gallstones never float. Soap-stones do.

This is general information not specific to any particular case. No part of this information should be considered as specific therapeutic advice.

'Those Green Pea-Shaped Balls Are Not Gallstones' have 3 comments

  1. July 13, 2014 @ 8:39 pm atomb

    Check out our Sun Sync Nutrition Website (including a Color Recycling app, Solar Time calculator, holistic bibliography, blog, FAQs, etc.) at …

    My e-books (including Placebo Power, Dead Dentists Don’t Lie, etc.) are available at …

    Reflexology charts, blogs, photos, FAQs, Yes No Maybe book (paperback), Solar Timing Recipe Book (34-page PDF) by Vibrant Gal, etc., are available at …


  2. July 16, 2014 @ 7:53 am Helen

    Hello AtOM
    Kind reminder to provide the details of the pine nuts protocol.
    Hugs and blessings
    Helen in Syndey Australia


    • July 16, 2014 @ 5:44 pm atomb

      Thanks for reminding me, Helen! :)

      See my latest blog entry …

      “Swami Nitty-Gritty’s 28-Day Pine Nut Protocol”


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