Remember, I’m just balancing out all the Acid-Is-Bad propaganda. Acidity has its downside too.

BALANCE is the “maybe” between the “yes” of YANG and the “no” of YIN.

Here’s some ways an alkaline reaction can be lethal …

(1) Have your adrenal glands removed (adrenalectomy),

(2) Go into thermal shock,

(3) Go into chemical shock,

(4) Go into traumatic shock,

(5) Be scalded to death (an example of superacute shock),

(6) Induce cellular vacuolization (driving sodium into the cytoplasm), or

(7) overdose on cod liver oil (preventing wound healing and mimicking radiation therapy).

Did you know alkalinity can form scar tissue and exaggerate connective tissue formation?

Alkalinity can precipitate vascular sclerosis from endothelial proliferation.

Alklainity can shrink the thymus gland, spleen, and lymph nodes.

Alkalinity can activate cortisol – not necessarily a “bad” thing.

Folks are generally more alkaline in Winter, and more acidic in Summer.

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