I’m not making this stuff up.

(1) Be seriously injured in an automobile accident.

(2) Have major surgery of any kind.

(3) Have a gall bladder attack.

(4) Go into clinical shock.

(5) Experience profound emotional shock.

(6) Have chemotherapy.

(7) Have radiation therapy.

(8) Be exposed to nuclear radiation.

(9) Vomit.

(10) Drink two quarts of almost any liquid within an hour from start to finish.

(11) Breathe very rapidly. (The Rebirthing Technique qualifies.)

Metals generally form basic oxides, whereas nonmetals form acidic oxides.

Carbon is not a metal.

Nitrogen is not a metal.

Oxygen is not a metal.

Hydrogen is not a metal.

Chlorine is not a metal.

Phosphorus is not a metal.

Sulfur is not a metal.

DNA won’t coil without these nonmetals.

Metals (calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, etc.) tend to uncoil DNA and invoke entropy and aging.

By the way, chlorine, not hydrogen, determines the acid-base level – both in biology and geology.

Yes, acidity also has its downside, but haven’t enough funky-butt books been written about that already?

Life is about dynamic balance. :)

Question: Is an essential oil an acid or a base?

Question: Does meditation make you acidic or basic?

You can order my books at …


[email protected]

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com




'How to Alkalinize (Metalize) Yourself' have 5 comments

  1. March 16, 2012 @ 8:54 pm atomb

    Re: But isn’t shock associated with lactic acidosis?

    It depends on where you measure it.

    Rigor mortis, as Swami Nitty-Gritty pointed out, is the ultimate form of relaxation.

    • March 16, 2012 @ 9:07 pm atomb

      Shock is associated with the elements in the First and Second Periods of the Periodic Table – the levels of the blood and urine.

      Acute shock is associated with the elements in the Third Period – the extracellular level.

      Superacute shock is associated with the elements in the Fourth Period – the cellular level.

      This is thoroughly explained in my e-book, Not Cancer … CANCEL.

      It’s available at Wellness-Wagon.com

  2. March 16, 2012 @ 9:21 pm atomb

    Re: Is fever an acidic or alkaline condition?

    Fever – uncomplicated by bacteria, viruses, or toxins – is definitely an overalkaline condition.

  3. March 16, 2012 @ 11:11 pm rhianne

    so interesting, since the popular books, alkalanize or die, are so popular, and people are doing everything to keep the body alkaline rather than acid…ahhhh, there is so much different information…
    balance, what is the base line, upon which balance is decided???

    • March 17, 2012 @ 1:02 pm atomb

      The cover of Alkalize or Die uses a desert as an example of acidity.

      Most deserts and arid regions with minimal rainfalls have alkaline soils.

      Rainwater is always acidic.

      Following a thunderstorm, rainwater can even be more acidic than your stomach acid!

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