Ilsedora Laker

 German New Medicine Educator and Consultant

Understanding COVID-19 from the Standpoint of German New Medicine

Introduction to Dr. Hamer’s Germanic/German New Medicine

That there is a connection between the psyche and disease is neither a new discovery, nor is it Dr. Hamer’s discovery. To quote Dr. Hamer:

“Through the millennia, humanity has more or less consciously known that all diseases ultimately have a psychic origin and it became a “scientific” asset firmly anchored in the inheritance of universal knowledge; it is only modern medicine that has turned our animated beings into a bag full of chemical formulas.”

Ilsedora Laker, the first Canadian German New Medicine educator and consultant authorized by Dr. Hamer, resides in Toronto, Canada, where she pioneered the introduction of the German New Medicine, and continues to train medical and lay specialists in its practice throughout North America. Ilsedora is also instrumental in introducing Dr. Hamer’s work to South America, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan and Japan.

Ilsedora discovered the work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer in 1992 through a colleague at Herbs and Health Holistic Centre in Toronto. Subsequent investigation of the work of Dr. Hamer and application of his research to her clinical cases proved to Ilsedora over and over again that Dr. Hamer’s findings are accurate.

In 1994 Ilsedora met a highly renowned protégé of Dr. Hamer, and invited him to conduct the first New Medicine seminar in North America. Her New Medicine studies (as Dr. Hamer’s research was then called) continued under his protege’s supervision until 1997 when she inaugurated her series of New Medicine seminars.

In 1998, Ilsedora was introduced to Dr. Hamer and, at his request, sponsored his first seminar in Canada. After this event, she became his student and shortly thereafter was entrusted by him with overseeing the translation of his thesis “The Summary of the New Medicine” first published in German in 1994, in English in 2000, which is now available through her office and her web site.

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Ms. Ilsedora Laker’s Blog Postings

German New Medicine Online Seminars

Show highlights:

Dr. Hamer’s observation of everyone he studied with cancer had had a shock in their life shortly before the cancer appeared

The 5 biological laws outside of poisoning

The brain, through CAT scans, show traumatic activity on the brain; Dr. Hamer was able to map the brain and show the connection between the brain and organs

60% of all diseases occur AFTER the conflict has been resolved

So what would the conflict have been in Wuhan and why did the children not have the same experience?

Ilsedora explains how the flu is the healing process

What is a virus? Is it really something we can catch? We talk about Dr. Stephan Lanka’s work

The flaws in the testing of COVID-19

Ilsedora tells us why we will have a strong second wave of COVID-19 after the threat is gone

How does 5G figure in to the equation?

Louis Pasteur admitted in his private diaries that his germ theory was wrong

Ilsedora has never been a conspiracy theorist, but after all she has observed, there’s something sinister going on to further an agenda

Awareness and how it is connected to the disease or illness you’re dealing with

Ilsedora Laker with a fascinating in dept discussion on the Soul, Mind Body connection with The “Corno Virus” from a German New Medicine viewpoint.

'Ilsedora Laker – Concerning COVID-19 and Other Illnesses, It’s the Deeper Understanding that Releases Us – March 31, 2020' have 2 comments

  1. April 2, 2020 @ 1:57 pm Helen

    I have a question about Ms. Laker’s presentation. I heard several times that one type of heart attack is caused by the resolution of a conflict and it may be fatal or leave one paralyzed. Or perhaps other life threatening diseases can be the result. I did not hear any theories concerning why that it happens, only that it does and can happen. For anyone undertaking this journey, would this not be discouraging to heal oneself if the result is death? To heal our traumas and conflicts would seem to be helpful to the quality of our lives and not end up possibly killing us.

    Does anyone else have this question? Did I miss or assume wrongly? It does seem like the elephant in the room.


    • April 4, 2020 @ 1:02 pm Ilsedora Laker

      Hi Helen,
      A heart attack itself doesn’t cause a stroke however a simultaneous stroke with paralysis is possible if another part of the brain experienced a shock at the same time. Heart infarcts occur when we enter into the healing crisis, and they are only fatal if the conflict has been of long duration. By knowing what is going on in the brain through a cat scan (CT) it is possible to avoid addressing these situations that could put the individual into a crisis. There are conflicts that when they are resolved can put us into a life threatening situation and that is why I am very vocal with respect to individuals not attempting to do this on their own or through some kind of an emotional therapist that doesn’t know the rules. I hope that one day EVERYONE will know how this works.


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