BaroReflexology reaches beyond the cutting edge of Reflexology, Acupressure, Iridology, Sclerology, Auricular Microsystem Points, Muscle Response Testing, and Body Language Analysis by introducing the concept of a PRESSURE GRADIENT into each of those reflex systems.
I’m a TWITCHOLOGIST, and Foot Biofeedback is one of my Twitchology specialties.
(My friend Carol Crosby suggested calling it “BioFEETback” and described it as “downloading toes.”)
Motor movements originating in the brain are easier to “read” while grasping the feet and gently rotating them in a figure-8 pattern.
Foot Biofeedback is “reverse” muscle response testing, measuring “peaks” instead of “valleys.”
Static “valley-measuring” types of muscle response testing measure what ISN’T there instead of what IS there and what SHOULDN’T be there.
In conventional muscle response testing, muscles are used to measure trauma.
In Foot Biofeedback, the trauma and the measurement are identical!
Continuous monitoring of the twitching or rigidity of a muscle with Foot Biofeedback is way more accurate than measuring a muscle that only “blows out” during a single muscle test.
Foot Biofeedback is CINEMATIC, allowing ongoing and uninterrupted monitoring of a muscle … for hours if necessary.
It’s not static, passive, and “photographic” like ALL other muscle response testing techniques.
If someone says, “I want to go to Wally World with Jane to buy a vacuum cleaner for Joe on Thursday,” you’d have to plod through every single word’s neuromuscular effect on both brain hemispheres to detect the overall trauma pattern and its nuances …
… versus Foot Biofeedback’s continuous monitoring of every single twitch, tremor, tic, and transient muscle rigidity collectively revealing the entire trauma gestalt … without challenging the muscle whatsoever.
There’s absolutely NO pushing on the muscleor telling the testee to “resist.”
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