I borrowed part of my title from Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones.
I’m not promoting orgies, polyamory, polygamy, or brothel-creeping, I’m simply challenging (or redefining) the concept of Jing.
As one of countless examples, how does Mantak Chia explain an athlete like Will Chamberlain (1936-1999), who claimed to have sex with 20,000 women, averaging about one woman per day?
Jing is called the “principle energy” or “nutritive essence.”
It’s also called “extract,” “sperm,” and “seed.”
Jing is almost identical with Yoga’s concept of OJAS, “vigor,” or the “fluid of life.”
When a man ejaculates, he supposedly loses his Jing or Ojas and ends up weak, fatigued, and diseased.
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) wrote …
“Chastity is one of the greatest disciplines without which the mind cannot attain requisite firmness. A man who is unchaste loses stamina, becomes emasculated and cowardly. He whose mind is given to animal passions is not capable of any great effort.”
Does that include John F. Kennedy, who had sex with well over 1,000 women, or Gene Simmons, who, at last recorded count, was upward of 4,800 women?
Does it include Akhenaten of ancient Egypt, who had hundreds of concubines and “droves” of consorts?
Does it include Montezuma II (1466?-1520), who kept 4,000 concubines and fathered well over 100 children?
Does it include sexo-yogic prodigy Tsangyang Gyatso (1683-1706?), the Sixth Dalai Lama of Tibet, who wrote books of erotic poetry and had sex with many women and men?
I added the question mark to the year of Gyatso’s “death” because many believe he survived another 40 years, and some say he achieved physical immortality and still manifests his multiple Tulku bodies (“emanation bodies”) in various places around the world while making his present-day HQ in Mongolia.
Does it include Victor Hugo (1802-1885), who “had a large sexual appetite and he satiated it throughout his life”?
The day of Hugo’s funeral was “celebrated by wholesale copulation, a priapic orgy, with all the prostitutes on holiday from their brothels, coupling with all and sundry on the lawns of the Champs-Elysees.
Paris prostitutes wore black crepe underwear to honor the passing of their foremost client.
Does it include King Ibn-Saud, (1876-1953), who had 22 wives and 37 (maybe more) children, and still managed to have sex with three different women every night?
Our e-books & e-booklets are available at …
The curriculum at Atom’s School of Self Healing will include techniques to bypass Kundalini Energy and absorb Cosmodyne Energy to produce transgenetic Jing or Ojas directly from (1) GROUNDING, (2) WATER, (3) SUNLIGHT, (4) AIR, and (5) ETHER (the Tattvas, or first five Chakras).
And, relax, we won’t be teaching you sex techniques. ;)
Facebook: Atom’s School of Self Healing at Wellness-Wagon.com

'Is Jing a Concept of Wise Men with Skinny Arms?' have 14 comments

  1. July 13, 2012 @ 10:42 pm atomb

    Re: This one falls short! [writes a woman friend of mine]

    I was discussing men only.

    Most authorities claim women (1) don’t lose Jing (or Ojas) during orgasm or, unlike men, (2) regain it quickly.

    Without a doubt, women have more capacity for sexual prowess (skill or stamina or both) than men.

    The Kama Sutra goes into intimate detail about “the virile woman” (Purushayita) who mounts (upasvripta) a man and sodomizes (upasarpet) him with a dildo.

    I also didn’t mention …

    (1) a woman who had a 43-second orgasm,

    (2) a woman who had 134 orgasms in a single hour,

    (3) a woman who ejaculated 9.8 feet,

    (4) a woman who had sexual intercourse with 2,000 men in two days (1,025 the first day and 925 the second day), or

    (5) a woman who lifted a 31-pound glass ball with her vagina. (It’s in the Guinness Book of World Records.)

    • April 11, 2021 @ 10:03 pm Harry

      “(1) a woman who had a 43-second orgasm,
      “(2) a woman who had 134 orgasms in a single hour,
      “(3) a woman who ejaculated 9.8 feet,
      “(4) a woman who had sexual intercourse with 2,000 men in two days (1,025 the first day and 925 the second day), or
      “(5) a woman who lifted a 31-pound glass ball with her vagina. (It’s in the Guinness Book of World Records.)”
      None of which accomplishes anything. Perhaps encourages her to be receptive, but nothing direct. A fertile female can generate and produce a new human being without climaxing. She can be asleep, drunk or in a coma and procreate as long as a male connects with her directly or indirectly (A.I.).
      Various theories have been conjured to connect female orgasm with pregnancy but so far none have panned out.
      The male, on the other hand, accomplishes the continuation of his genetic line. And to a lesser degree, hers. Not every time, of course, but on occasion.
      If insemination is scheduled to take place from five to two days before she ovulates, a better than 25% likelihood of impregnation occurs. Avoiding insemination during those days is the basis of “NFP,” the Roman Catholic Church-approved method of contraception.

  2. July 13, 2012 @ 11:04 pm atomb

    Swedenborg’s Doctrine of One Affinity praised Sacred Marital Sex between only two people “for all eternity,” but didn’t “blame people for consorting when there is an attraction, else how is the affinity to be found?” (John Patrick Deveney)

    Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) advised every married couple over 60 years old to have Sacred Sex for a minimum of one hour a day for the sake of their health and happiness.

    Swedenborg called Sacred Sex CONJUGIAL SEX to distance it from garden-variety conjugal sex between bored married couples.

  3. July 13, 2012 @ 11:23 pm atomb

    “Yoga and enjoyment (bhoga) are two complementary forms of action. Without pleasure, yoga leads to nothing, and without yoga, true pleasure cannot be attained. True yoga leads to a complete experience of ecstasy and the true pleasureseeker (bhogi) is he who has mastered the art of pleasure.” – Kama Sutra (translated by Alain Danielou)

  4. July 15, 2012 @ 1:30 am Dick [really]

    Gandhi was a great man but not of the tantric tradition. I, for one, forgive him his slight. My own Guru had 9 wives (until they couldn’t handle Him anymore, then it was 4, then it was down to 2).
    I find the 6th Rite of the well-known 5 Tibetan Rites helpful. Someone online has offered the 1946 version of the original text for free download [see my website, as well]. It’s titled The Eye of Revelation [instead of The Fountain of Youth]. The original version offers important clues to doing the 5 Rites properly and successfully.
    Loving the Tantric principle [i.e. the Indian definition, not the Western one] i appreciate the idea of copious sex throughout eternity [propagated in True Blood]. I too however, in all my years of research, have found so little to give women even the hope of health or longevity through sex. The first person to (recently) give me a head’s up on the (hormonal and other) differences between men and women has been John Gray through his JohnGrayMarsVenus online vids. I recommend them. I would like to be able to offer women more in this respect and i’m not sure the 6th Rite works for them.

    • July 15, 2012 @ 3:46 pm atomb

      Thank you for your interesting input, and I’d like to continue the conversation. :)

      Indeed, Gandhi was a great man.

      Many leaders are sexually repressed or don’t know how to subordinate the other centers to the sex center to ejaculate like Cup-and-a-Half Jones and manufacture energy instead of squandering it.

      I hope you’re not referring to Peter Kelder’s book on the Six Tibetan Rites, because his knowledge is nothing but New Age fluff (at least what he presents in his book).

      My research – both personal and in medical libraries – shows women are more capable of sexual rejuvenation than men.

      That’s why …

      (1) A typical Yoga class is made up of at least 80% women (and a certain percentage of the men who show up are just there to get laid).

      (2) Women are capable of hundreds of orgasms an hour compared to one 28-year-old man’s world record of 16 in an hour. (I’m sure here’s male Yogis and/or Bhogis who can do better.)

      (3) Women live longer than men and are more anabolic than men for the ultimate example of bodybuilding – pregnancy.

      (4) Women are more “material” than men, starting with the ovum, which has 1,000,000 times more mass than a sperm.

      (5) 80% of the “Incorruptibles” – in both Roman Catholicism and otherwise – are women.

      (6) Etc.

      My first spiritual mentor was a woman who could grind up light bulbs in her bare hands, make it rain or produce rainbows on command performance, stop airplanes from taking off by sheer force of will, make love all night like the Amazon she was … and was a master of the handbrake-assisted Bootleg Turn. (Hey, if you’re still alive and reading this, you KNOW who you are.) ;)

      • April 11, 2021 @ 4:07 pm Harry

        “(4) Women are more “material” than men, starting with the ovum, which has 1,000,000 times more mass than a sperm.”
        This is irrevant as the nuclei, the DNA packets, are roughly the same size. Most of an ovum is basically equivalent to the whites of a chicken egg. It is food for the ovum on its journey from the graafian follicle of the ovary to its destination n burrowed into the endometrium, the lining of the uterus.
        Most ova are not lucky enough to be visited by a successful sperm and are discarded with the endometrium. Most ova that become ovules (fertilized ova) are defective or something goes wrong, so are as well tossed out with the bloody gunk.

  5. July 15, 2012 @ 4:34 pm atomb

    Beta is writing the book from memory, alpha is reading the book, theta is editing the book, and delta is reading a book of blank pages or the Book of Mirrors like in the movie Circle of Iron.

  6. July 15, 2012 @ 6:05 pm martin

    Hey Atom,

    Facinating topic indeed and i am glad you survived the Amazon woman but i bet it was fun learning from her:) have you got her number? – as i am always up for an all nighter:)

    i would be honoured and grateful if you can give a technique for men we could start to put into practice each day to bypass Kundalini Energy and absorb Cosmodyne Energy here on this blog?

    i have a book by a Christopher Kilham but is based on Kelder’s material. i tried them a few years back and something in me did not take to it, like twirling around plus it claims youthfulness and reversed ageing but i agree with Atom as it now seems to me like new age fluff! never was attracted to Mantak Chia material either but it seems most of the market is saturated with people whose original source is that new age fluff!


    • July 15, 2012 @ 8:42 pm atomb

      The Light Bulb Crusher (my affectionate name for her) was my first meditation teacher.

      We were a “couple” for five years, starting mere days after she gave me a lift when I was hitchhiking on February 6, 1970.

      I had just “committed” to dropping LSD every day, but she talked me out of it and I went drug- and booze-free and was initiated into Transcendental Meditation two weeks later on Valentine’s Day.

      Being drug- and booze-free was no easy feat while being employed at a psychedelic nightclub (up to 800 customers or more on a weekend night) and living there too.

      I lost track of the LBC in the early 1990s. :(

      Mantak Chia’s info is way off, especially in his recent books.

      His understanding of the Microcosmic Orbit is “not your highest choice.”

      I’ll be writing more about Kundalini versus Cosmodyne Energy in future blog entries.

      Stay tuned, Martin, and thanks for your input. :)

  7. July 15, 2012 @ 9:14 pm martin

    Thanks Atom:)

    i think i need to do more hitchiking.

    …… that psychedelic nightclub sounds like it has a lot of stories….

    thanks for doing more blogs on this important subject. in the meantime can you recommend any books instead of Mantak Chia and his ilk? or do you have a book of your own on this?

    i will stay tuned!,


    • July 16, 2012 @ 5:58 pm atomb

      Butterflies Need No Taxidermist has the most information about the differences between secondary Kundalini Energy compared to primary Cosmodyne Energy.

      And Qi Gong’s Belt Energy Channel is a tertiary energy option.

      Almost no books are available in the U.S. about the two sets of chakras (or the third option), although there’s many books about them in India yet to be translated.

  8. April 11, 2021 @ 10:39 pm Harry

    For those to whom it is of any import, the Judeo-Christian Book has not a single word against polygamy (polygyny). Some polygamists had problems but many monogamists did as well.
    Polyandry is not directly addressed; only if a woman remarries while her original husband is living she is called an adulteress. John the baptizer was beheaded for condemning the marriage of Herodias with Herod, puppet king of Judea while her true husband, Herod Philip, lived.
    The problem with polygamy (polygyny) is when rich men take so many wives, concubines and “handmaids” (slave girls) that other men cannot get wives.

    • April 11, 2021 @ 11:02 pm Harry

      Islam wisely limits a man to four wives, which, if observed, greatly limits a possible shortage of women. It does, though, permit multiple concubines and slave girls/women.

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