GOD BECAME YOU … a poem by Adano Ley (Swami Nityananda Saraswati) …

The Father’s script is already written,
It could be worse — it’s going to get better.
It’s perfectly balanced in all it’s working,
Even if it appears irrational and irritable,
It’s to build up immunity through resistance,
And understanding acts as a shunt to the script,
So we must act to be practical not rational,
Through gradations of fixations, illusions and vibrations,
Which are all part of the script,
As we watch the Father unfold his script,
We can do nothing without the Father,
Who gives us what we need — not what we want,
In order to learn to cope, to stick it out,
As we accept What we are in the ever new, unrehearsed,
Joy of the moment as Process, not goal,
All experience is neutral and designed in the Script,
To always grow in appreciation for each “Thank You”,
In the neutrality, don’t label or computerize or compare,
Simply camera-ize and see it as it is,
And die daily in the confrontative functionality of Life,
You don’t have a body, consciousness is the body,
God is the consciousness as breath in form,
And is the driver taking responsibility in the Script,
Don’t Panic; give thanks for the Sky and the Clouds and Breathe.
The Only Place that God is, is in the process of Now.




'It’s Going to Get Better' has 1 comment

  1. September 4, 2011 @ 11:20 am RadioGuGu

    : ) And so it is.

    Thank you! : )

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