Re: Happy liver month. How do you celebrate your liver, what methods of cleansing do you use?

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) warned us not to do more than two purges a year.

That doesn’t mean you can’t give an organ like your liver a little extra TLC when it’s that time of the (1) week, (2) month, or (3) year. :)

Biliary Time of the year includes both Aquarius and Pisces, so I add some additional sour and bitter foods to my plate.

(Coffee in the morning is a bitter food if you go easy on the maple syrup and don’t over-caffeinate. Watercress in the evening is a higher choice.)

The liver loves “noisy” food, like the “noisiest potato chip in the world,” but the “crunch” of a carrot is much better.

When it’s time for a liver purge, I prefer the one that removes carbon from the liver …

Cobalamin Tonic for seven days in a row at 1:00 a.m. (the beginning of Liver Time).

I’ve done the general liver cleanse three or four times …

One clove of garlic, one tablespoon of olive oil, and the fresh juice of half a lemon for seven days in a row anytime after 11:00 p.m. but not later than 2:30 a.m.

Mirthful laughter is “internal jogging for the liver.” Hearty (pericardium) laughter at Pericardium Time (7:00-9:00 p.m.) is good for both the heart and the liver.

My e-books and e-booklets are available at …

[email protected]

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at




'It’s Liver Time of the Year (Pisces)' have 10 comments

  1. March 9, 2012 @ 7:30 pm atomb

    Re: What about phytic acid?

    Brown rice contains phytic acid, trypsin, hemaglutinin and other antinutritive factors.

    White rice is just the kernel’s endosperm and is free of them.

    Not to knock antinutritive factors.

    The dreaded phytic acid health authorities tell us to avoid is transformed by marketers by renaming it …

    … IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate) and promoting it as a cancer-fighter, or renaming it as …

    … E391 when they want to use it as a food additive.

    Sneaky, ain’t they? :)

  2. March 10, 2012 @ 9:42 am atomb

    Re: What did Adano do for a living?

    Adano earned his living as a therapist and sold various items to supplement his income.

    He often said, “God don’t work for nobody, and neither should you.”

    He also said, “Don’t go after the big buck. Go after the quick buck.”

    He explained that people who go after the “big buck” rarely succeed.

    So Adano’s “quick buck” involved selling …

    candles (he had thousands),

    VCRs (Cymatics, etc.),

    cassette tapes (the Prism-er of Love, Hoovering, etc.),

    Skin Food (made by David & Dora Neil of Knoxville, Tennessee),

    clarified butter (also by David & Dora),

    Healing Salve (made by Mark & June Nyvall of Kilgore, Texas),

    ginseng wine (also by Mark & June),

    sprouted tofu (made by Dr. Datta-Gupta and his wife in Orangeburg, South Carolina),

    chutney (also by the Datta-Guptas except for the cactus pear chutney made by Jodi Gore of Tucson, Arizona),

    KM (liquid potassium supplement),

    Body Toddy (colloidal minerals),


  3. March 10, 2012 @ 9:56 am RadioGuGu

    Dear Atom : )

    What is “that time of the … (2) month…” for liver? /& What if it falls around or during Full or New Moon?/

    Thank you!! :D

    • March 10, 2012 @ 1:30 pm atomb

      It’s usually March 18 through March 20. :)

      The Full Moon can help a liver cleanse.

      Second best: Third Quarter.

      Third best: New Moon.

  4. March 10, 2012 @ 10:29 pm Ryan

    “He also said, “Don’t go after the big buck. Go after the quick buck.”

    Wow, thanks for sharing….that’s a quote worth remembering – especially when you consider the source!

    • March 11, 2012 @ 11:02 am atomb

      Adano gave us three rules about money …

      “Henry Ford said, ‘A quick penny is better than a slow dollar.’ So I go for the quick buck, not the big buck. Sears & Roebuck said, ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ And Alexander Graham Bell said, ‘If you got something, you better sell it yourself.”

  5. April 12, 2012 @ 1:38 am John

    Hello Atom,
    why did Adano say to not do more than two liver cleanses per year ?
    If i did the general purge (garlic/olive/lemon) for 7 days, how long should I wait before then doing the Cobalamin tonic/7 days ?

    • April 12, 2012 @ 1:24 pm atomb

      True cleanses or purges are tough on the body, John.

      99 percent of people doing the garlic/olive oil/lemon cleanse have no problems, but I’ve seen two severe reactions – including explosive and uncontrollable diarrhea.

      Drinking Cobalamin Tonic at Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 a.m.) or at Spleen/Pancreas Time (9:00-11:00 a.m.) isn’t a cleanse or purge, so it can be used during the garlic/olive oil/lemon cleanse and/or immediately after.

      The Cobalamin Tonic liver cleanse at 1:00 a.m. (at the beginning of Liver Time) is a mellow cleanse, so you can do it up to an entire month if there’s no obvious side effects – ideally when using it to “jump-start” a Liver Time meditation.

      During this Liver Time carbon cleanse, don’t drink any Cobalamin Tonic at Stomach Time.

      Then wait an entire year before doing it again.

      I call meditation after drinking Cobalamin Tonic “jet-propelled meditation,” and did four or five hours of it a day (Liver Time, Lung Time, and part of Large Intestine Time) for an entire month back in the 1990s. :)

      • April 13, 2012 @ 2:09 am John

        Is the tomatoe/molasses drink taken at 1pm midday considered a liver cleanse ?
        Taken at 1pm is a liver builder and at 1AM is a liver cleanser ?
        How many days should you do it for ?
        What’s the difference between a purge and a cleanse or are they the same thing ?

        • April 13, 2012 @ 6:02 pm atomb

          Thanks for bringing this up, John.

          A “purge” is pretty much an aggressive and cathartic “cleanse.”

          But they’re black and white and unscientific terms, not allowing for the many shades of gray in between.

          A simple “cleanse” for one person may be a major “purge” for another person … so common sense must be used on an individual basis.

          Tomato juice and molasses IS a liver cleanse, but it CAN be done on an ongoing and long-term basis.

          Don’t take tomato juice and molasses at Liver Time … except during Lunar Time just for grins. :)

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