There is not a long lived healthy culture in the world that does not have
fermented foods daily. Is this one of the reason why the U.S. is 36th. on the
list of healthiest nations?


Ms. Love makes an eloquent argument for just how critcal kefir and other fermented beverages are. She walks us through each step using dairy grains and water grains for those who are lactose intolerant

This is must listen for any one who wants to get well and stay well.

We’ve often been told and believe that it is
not what we eat, it is what we digest.

Amanda Love, a natural
food chef and nutrition educator, Amanda feels her life purpose is to educate
people on the importance of eating seasonal, organic, locally grown nutrient
rich food, consciously prepared to nourish body, mind and soul.

She gave us a few great websites for kefir and fementation products and quality information.

Amanda has created her unique blend of teas that are healing and
tasty and available at



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