You’re strongest at Kidney Time (5:00-7:00 p.m.).
Strength is in the kidneys and those little three-cornered party hats that sit on top of them – the adrenal glands.
The marrow of the adrenal glands secretes adrenaline, the “fight or flight” hormone.
If this “fight or flight” surge isn’t utilized, phobias (irrational fears) develop.
The “fight or flight” surge is tapped in emergency situations.
Stories abound of 97-pound weaklings lifting enormous weights off trapped accident victims.
In 1914, a man in Houston, Texas, figured out how to link into an adrenaline rush without an emergency situation.
His name was Joseph L. Greenstein (1893-1977), andthis 148-pound, 5-foot-four-and-a-half-inch tall manwent on to become The Mighty Atom, billing himself as the strongest man in the world.
On October 12, 1914, after being shot point-blank in his forehead with a .38-.40 caliber revolver, he learned the hard way that “A life-and-death situation clears the mind of self-imposed limits.”
There’s probably easier ways to open your Third Eye. ;)
The Mighty Atom went on to become “a man without learned limits” sans benefit of any emergency scenario.
He routinely broke horseshoes with his bare hands and bit railroad spikes, quarters, and dental mirrors in half.
A clue to The Mighty Atom’s phenomenal strength was his ability to temporarily transfer it by touch.
This suggests the electromagnetic field effect of the Lower Mental Body (Third Chakra).
Each kidney is a consummate sodium pump – an electronic ion pump, which is essentially a battery.
The electric eel uses this very same sodium pump principle to generate enough juice to kill a cow dead in its tracks.
We’re talking jolts of 500 volts.
There are also electric catfish that produce jolts of 300 volts.
Some of these catfish grow to be as long as Sylvester Stallone, so its best to keep your distance.
Even electric rays can muster up pulses of 60 volts.
Electric sharks? Yes, most of them are.
But sharks don’t use their electric field as a weapon.
They use their sodium pump mechanism for OOBEs (out-of-body experiences), locating prey and predators with an internally generated electric field.
The kidneys have an amazing capacity for energy production – especially if you know how to activate Kidney 1 on the sole of your foot.
The capacity of the kidneys for glucose production, per gram of renal cortex tissue, is greater than that of the liver.
The kidneys normally keep a low profile by hanging on to this glucose for themselves, but under certain conditions they can launch significant amounts of glucose into the circulatory system.
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'Kidneys & Electric Eels (& Sharks Too)' have 6 comments
April 21, 2012 @ 2:50 pm atomb
Re: Isn’t vitamin D associated with the kidneys?
Yes, and the Mark Spitz of sperms will lollygag without the vitamin D provided by the kidneys, not to mention the salty solution it swims in.
Synthetic vitamin D is a hardship to the kidneys.
The National Academy of Science regards synthetic vitamin D as toxic to babies.
April 21, 2012 @ 4:45 pm atomb
Re: Does one only get so many heartbeats or breaths? I think this is an idea I have heard mentioned in India.
Swami Nitty-Gritty’s answer was “Yes,” and said anyone who goes to India and looks in the Book of Bhrigu will find their personal horoscope – including the dates of their birth and death – listed in it.
Deepak Chopra claims he learned the date of his death from this book.
An acquaintance of mine (an author who has a local TV show in Austin) consulted this book too.
The Book of Bhrigu informed him he was in India with two companions, a man and a woman.
It told him, one man would leave India and the man who stayed behind would marry the woman, so he bought a ticket and flew out of India the next day.
The other guy married the woman. ;)
April 22, 2012 @ 11:54 am suz
Are you as strong as the Mighty Atom, the reason for his namesake?
Once your third eye is open does it stay open or is it necessary to continue to perform extraordinary feats to keep it open?
Is there only one copy of the Book of Bhrigu, necessitating a journey to India or is it possible to read it elsewhere?
Re: …so he bought a ticket and flew out of India the next day. Hilarious!!!
April 22, 2012 @ 1:33 pm atomb
I wish I WAS as strong as The Mighty Atom.
“Atom” comes from Adano’s “How can an atom get tired?,” “How can an atom get sick?,” etc.
But The Mighty Atom was a contributing inspiration to my name change.
An “open” Third Eye may be Top Dog in the spinal chakra system, but it’s only the First Region in the skull’s chakra system … designated as Sahas-dal-kanwal, or the “thousand-petaled lotus.”
The Ovum’s journey of consciousness begins where the Sperm’s ends … the reason Yogis almost never become Sants or Masters.
April 22, 2012 @ 2:03 pm atomb
Actual meditation – compared to “practicing” meditation – involves VOLUNTARY PARALYSIS.
Numbness starts at the feet until the entire body – up to just below the nose – “feels like stone.”
I really should write a blog entry about this.
May 27, 2012 @ 7:54 pm John
Hi Atom,
” The kidneys have an amazing capacity for energy production – especially if you know how to activate Kidney 1 on the sole of your foot ”
Could you plz explain more about this