The gall bladder is a pear-shaped musculomembranous pouch beneath the right lobe of the liver.
Gall bladder literally means “sore bladder.”
Many Western doctors say people with small gall bladders have less problems than those with larger gall bladders.
Spinal reflexes associated with the gall bladder include the thoracic vertebrae T2, T4, and T6.
Eastern Medicine classifies the gall bladder and liver as Wood organs.
Wood represents assertion, determination, anger, frustration, and hopelessness.
The lack of self-assertion (gall bladder) stores anger (in the liver).
Eastern Medicine regards optimism, hope, and “visions of the future waiting to be realized”as attributes associated with the gall bladder.
The gall bladder is alleged to be the “Official of Decision-Making and Judgment.” It’s associated with the need for control.
The gall bladder is said to be responsible for helpingonestay in (1) control ofoneself and of(2) one’s external conditions.
Angina is associated with the gall bladder. The word “angina” is from angere, which means “to constrict,” “to tighten.”
Symptoms of angina include tightening, pressure, indigestion, a lump in the throat, coughing, and a need to keep swallowing.
Associated psycholinguistics include phrases such as “I mean,” “you know,” etc.
Shoutingor screaming are beneficial to the gall bladder.
Upside-down therapy oneither a slant-boardor “gravity machine” helps the gall bladder clear debris.
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'Lack of Gall (Bladder) Stores Anger In the Liver' have 2 comments
October 24, 2012 @ 11:41 am atomb
Folks missing a gall bladder are confined to driving their hepatotoxic bile acids by “stick shift” to protect against cancer of the liver, stomach, or small intestine.
Folks with a gall bladder are driving their bile acids with an automatic transmission.
Meditation gives access to stick shift, just as a bear deals with its gall bladder toxins during hibernation.
October 24, 2012 @ 11:46 am atomb
The timid deer has no gall bladder because it can go for long periods of time without food or water.
Ditto the camel.
Ditto the whale because it never suffers from water deprivation.
Ditto the rat because it’s Swami Nitty-Gritty’s token animal. :)