Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) of Wudang Mountain helped me get over Beti Monk’s “cosmic vacation.”
Driving him from Katy to Austin, I remarked, “Beti would have loved to meet you.”
Chen matter-of-factly replied, “I’ve met her.”
He continued, “Let her go, and don’t try to hold her back. She’s on vacation. She’s saying, ‘Hey, what’s taking you so long? I beat you here, you slowpoke!”
He added, picking up on my desire to join her, “No, I’m kidding. It’s not your time yet. You have people to see and people to heal, so you’ll be around for a while.”
Master Chen added something I’d heard him talk about before: “You have all the memories you shared with her, and you can go back and change anything you want. You can’t go forward into the future, but you can CHANGE the past.”
Paramahansa Yogananda called this life a DREAM – maybe that’s why I love movies exploring the theme of matter being subordinate to consciousness, e.g., Groundhog Day (1993), Dark City (1998), The Matrix (1999), The Thirteenth Floor (1999), The Butterfly Effect (2004), etc.
In the movie Grey Owl (1999), The Sioux chief recognizes Grey Owl is an Englishman posing as a Native American, laughs out loud without revealing the “truth,” saying, “Men are made up of their dreams, and you have dreamt well.”
Dark City (1998) explores the Omphalos hypothesis.
Bertrand Russell was aware of it when he wrote, in The Analysis of Mind, 1921, “There is no logical impossibility in the hypothesis that the world sprang into being five minutes ago, exactly as it then was, with a population that ‘remembered’ a wholly unreal past. There is no logically necessary connection between events at different times; therefore nothing that is happening now or will happen in the future can disprove the hypothesis that the world began five minutes ago.”
Critics of the Omphalos hypothesis (omphalism) and Russell’s “Five Minute Hypothesis” call it “Last Thursdayism.”
When my friend Dolph was repairing my mobile home’s roof, Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) told me, “Because Dolph knows the word ‘roof,’ he’s standing on it. If he didn’t know the word ‘roof,’ he’d fall through it and be down here talking with us.”
'Life Is But a Dream & Last Thursdayism' have 4 comments
June 9, 2011 @ 9:18 pm ThomasCroger
Hi Atom,
I’m really loving listening to your shows and reading the blog. This information seems truly unique and valuable, and it just resonates with me very intuitively. I notice that in terms of Chronobiotic Nutrition, there’s not very much information out there in the world right now. It would be great to see it reach more people. I’m sure anything that can help to share and disseminate this knowledge + wisdom is a good thing, so two thumbs to Patrick for getting your blog up and having you as a regular guest.
I am very interested in learning much more about Solar Nutrition / the work of Adano Ley / trauma healing / yogic practice / metaphysical knowledge etc. and would like to know how I can take the next step. I’ve explored many of these ideas already myself – I feel I have a natural and intuitive understanding of them – and now I’d like to take my learning to a new level so that I can eventually use them in more of a practitioner-sense.
Right now I live down in Tasmania, Australia, near the bottom of the world! It’s great down here, but I often wonder about where to find the best teachers for / best ways to learn, this kind of knowledge. I’m also aware that simply making changes in lifestyle practice bring about valuable transformation (as I’ve been experiencing by applying the principles of time-conscious living).
In terms of learning more, do you know of any teachers that you respect in Australia, or have any recommendations for courses / schools of learning? I’m even open to moving to the states to deepen my learning in these areas, if that’s where most of it is happening. It would be great to get involved in your workshops. I’m a young one (21 revolutions around the sun), footloose and free, and at a time of many options in my life.
I would love to help continue to plumb, spread and share this wonderful information for future decades – I know that so many people can benefit from it, even just down here on my wild little island!
But even more than wanting to learn FROM teachers like Adano Ley and yourself, I would love to learn how to learn LIKE teachers such as Adano Ley and yourself (teach a man to catch fish, instead of just giving him fish). As far as this goes, is living a time-conscious lifestyle your first recommendation for facilitating this kind of learning and intelligence? Are there other practices (yoga, meditation, trauma work, Taoist health) that you recommend also?
Many thanks brother :)
June 10, 2011 @ 4:39 pm atomb
Wow, what an amazing attitude you have, Thomas! :)
Doors will open for you.
Eventually, I’d like to start a SCHOOL operating both in cybertime and facetime – the sooner, the better!
Stay tuned to “Atom’s Blog” for more information.
I have knowledgeable friends who visit Australia, so please keep in touch.
June 10, 2011 @ 5:55 pm ThomasCroger
I would be very interested in attending that “school” – either in cyber-space or face-space, so I will stay posted.
In the near future I intend to move to the North-East coast of Australia (which has a climate very similar to California), to study some kind of holistic health modality. I suspect it will be Chinese/Taoist medicine, but am still not decided – I have a very wide range of interests. I welcome any advice in terms of finding a field/teacher, as I’m aware that not all knowledge is taught in the same school.
I’m all encouragement for you continuing to spread your teaching in better and better ways! I enjoy sharing what I can with friends. So I’ll stay posted, and look forward to being more involved, and playing my part to help, in the possible future.
June 10, 2011 @ 11:22 pm atomb
I’ll keep you in the loop, Thomas.
Thanks. :)