A healthy liver is indispensable to the Diamond Body.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“You carbonize from 12:00 to 3:00 pm in the sun. Diamond will resist radiation. At the charcoal level, our sense of awareness is turned down. Hydration – hydrogen – is necessary for the hot temperature in the body to change carbon into diamond. You’re toxic if lightning burns you.”

Graphite is a good conductor of electricity, but diamond is a nonconductor.

Adano advised …

“If you’re groggy or drunk, it’s an iron problem. If you’re gassy, it’s a carbon problem. Eat chlorine to get rid of carbon in the liver – eat onions, garlic, carrots, and ginger.”

Eating the above at Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 pm) takes advantage of the 90-degree circadian time “shunt” to Liver Time (1:00-3:00 am).

Chlorine counteracts essential fatty acids (EFAs) and clears toxins from the liver.

Excess EFAs and polyunsaturated oils at the wrong time of day – esp. in the morning – can be a health menace.

Adano instructed …

“If you have an oven that tends to cake up, put solvents in it to clean it up – coffee, cocoa, and maple syrup at 1:00 am, or olive oil, garlic, lemon, and parsley [also at 1:00 am].”

Adano recommended …

“Meditate a minimum of two hours and forty minutes. Sleep is the Devil – the gall bladder and liver. Meditation is God – the lung and large intestine. […] Blood pressure cannot move without respiration, which is God Time.”

In the East, “God Time” is called Amrit Vela, or the “Time of Elixir.”

Adano said …

“The spleen controls death – the disposing function of the body. The liver is a mortician. The spleen is a crematory.”

All three Liver Time (1:00-3:00 am) “shunts” need saturated fats to protect the liver from fibrosis, cirrhosis, etc.

The liver’s Zone One 90-degree shunt is Stomach Time (7:00-9:00 am), an ideal time for coconut oil or olive oil; the liver’s 180-degree shunt is Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 pm), an ideal time for either whole cream or corn oil; and the liver’s 270-degree shunt is Circulation-Sex Time (7:00-9:00 pm); an ideal time for egg yolk or cod liver oil.

The Circulation-Sex Time shunt is the reason estrogen-replacement therapy is so toxic to the liver.

Nancy Edwards Merrill (“Nutrition and Endometriosis,” Endometriosis: The Complete Reference for Taking Charge of Your Health, edited by Mary Lou Ballweg and the Endomeriosis Association, 2004) wrote …

“The liver depends on the B vitamins to create the enzymes needed to break down estradiol, the most active form of estrogen, into estriol, a form of estrogen that does not cause the tissue proliferation that estradiol does.”

Estradiol blocks the flow of bile from the liver to the duodenum, causing metabolic cholestasis (as opposed to obstructive cholestasis caused by a gallstone or tumor).

Adano advised …

“Get B vitamins from brewer’s yeast. The best source is Red Star’s brewer’s yeast.”

He was referring to Red Star’s special high-niacin brewer’s yeast powder. It’s only available in 50-gallon drums.

Small Intestine Time is the best time to take brewer’s yeast to shunt the liver.

Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine can deconjugate bile acids and interfere with fat digestion and absorption.

The bile acids synthesized in the liver – esp. chenodeoxycholic acid – help prevent gallstones.

When gallstones are transplanted into a healthy gall bladder, healthy bile will dissolve them within a few months.

Back to the subject of B vitamins and brewer’s yeast, Rachel Carson (Silent Spring, 1962) wrote …

“The late C.P. Rhoades, onetime director of the Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, found that test animals exposed to a very potent cancer chemical carcinogen developed no cancer if they had been fed yeast, a rich source of the natural B vitamins. A deficiency of these vitamins has been found to accompany mouth cancer and perhaps cancer of other sites in the digestive tract. This has been observed not only in the United States, but in the far northern parts of Sweden and Finland, where the diet is ordinarily deficient in vitamins. Groups prone to primary liver cancer, as for example, the Bantu tribes of Africa, are typically subject to malnutrition. In postwar Greece, enlargement of the male breast was a common accompaniment of starvation.”




'Liver Power for Resurrection Lifestyles' has 1 comment

  1. November 4, 2011 @ 4:33 pm atomb

    Gerry Spence (From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America, 1993, 1995) wrote …

    “The deadly consequences of food, the most widely abused substance of the breathing dead, are visible in the bloated bodies of the masses and reflect a nation of the entrapped. For centuries we have herded geese into tight pens, held them immobile, and by use of specially designed rods, stuffed rich grains down their helpless gullets until their bellies bloated and their livers swelled, after which we pulverized the livers to produce a delicacy called pate. In the same way we force-feed geese, the breathing dead force-feed themselves and their children until their guts are distended and their limbs made heavy and stiff like the dead.”

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