The best time to eat lunch is during Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 p.m.).
Here’s a typical lunch my Significant Other, Vibrant Gal, and I eat these days …
(1) sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are high in magnesium, copper, protein, vitamin E, and omega-6 fatty acids.
The sunflower plant is a Sun-seeker, growing up to ten feet tall.
(2) pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, protein, vitamin E, and L-tryptophan.
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) recommended pumpkin seeds as a midday therapy to “remove shrimp from the lungs.”
(3) brown sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are high in copper, magnesium, calcium, manganese, selenium, thiamin, protein, vitamin K, sesamin, and sesamolin.
According to Adano …
“Sesame is brain food. It’s rich in selenium and L-tryptophan. Black sesame has more minerals. White sesame is for the brain. Brown sesame is for the colon and large intestine. Black sesame is for the genitals. The Germans couldn’t brainwash the Turks because the Turks ate halvah for centuries. The Chinese are hard to brainwash too because they use sesame oil.”
Sesame seeds offer protection against all media, including mass media, advertising media, news media, print media, art media, music media, social media, sports media, multimedia, clock media, light bulbs, clothing, cities, etc.
The “medium is the message” means the content of the media is less of a threat than the media itself.
The medium itself IS the message, and changes the user’s neurology and “cognitive organization.”
Clothing, according to Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980), was one of the earliest forms of media and the “first form of social aggression.”
Adano also recommended sesame seeds for protection against radiation.
Vibrant Gal and I grind our sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds in a coffee and seed mill.
(4) cold-pressed organic sesame oil
Cold-pressed organic sesame oil is high in vitamins E and K, omega-6 fatty acids, sesamin, sesamolin, and phytoestrogens.
Sesame oil can cause diarrhea and allergies in sensitive people.
If you cook with unrefined sesame oil, it’s smoke point (ignition point) is only 350 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s not suitable for frying.
(Of course, a smoke point of 350 degrees Fahrenheit is nothing compared to gasoline, which has a smoke point of 45 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.)
(5) sheep cheese
Vibrant Gal eats Zamorano Spanish unpasteurized sheep cheese.
I usually make do with Trader’s Joe’s Authentic Greek Feta “made with sheep’s milk.”
According to Adano …
“Take wine vinegar, pickle, and feta cheese for silicon and calcium.”
Avoid cow feta cheese because the lactic acid in it can lead to negative calcium balance in the bones.
(6) grade A 100%-organic pasture-grazed Original Raw Butter
If you use commercial-grade butter, be sure to eat your sesame seeds to protect your mind from advertising gimmicks like the (a) Land O’ Lakes Butter (Boob) Trick and the (b) Droste effect.
(7) organic dill pickles
Vibrant Gal and I prefer Woodstock Organic Baby Dill Pickles.
Sometimes I eat Trader Joe’s Organic Kosher Sandwich Pickles.
According to Adano …
“Take feta cheese, cayenne, dill pickle, and ghee for the lower back.”
Adano recommended dill pickles as a good source of sodium and silicon, two chemical elements necessary for healthy bones.
Sodium and silicon combined in such forms as orthosilicic acid (a) stimulate collagen and bone growth, (b) strengthen fingernails and toenails, (c) increase the tensile strength of hair, and (d) protect against Alzheimer’s disease by blocking intestinal aluminum absorption and stimulating renal elimination of aluminum.
Aluminum (atomic number 13), silicon (atomic number 14), and sodium (atomic number 16) can all be found on the third row of the Periodic Table of the Elements, and are therefore associated with tissue’s (a) pluricellular, (b) interstitial, and (c) intercellular formations.
(To Be Continued)
'Lunch At Small Intestine Time #1' have 4 comments
April 20, 2013 @ 6:47 pm atomb
Check out my e-books at …
My business partner, Leni Pratte, has added some cool new features. :)
April 20, 2013 @ 9:19 pm jwong
Hi Atom,
Thanks for your wonderful article about what to eat for lunch! Looking forward to part 2. Can you explain about the “advertising gimmicks like the (a) Land O’ Lakes Butter (Boob) Trick and the (b) Droste effect”? What are these gimmicks about?
April 23, 2013 @ 4:54 pm atomb
Type in Land O Lakes Boobs You Tube and multiple links will appear. People who still drink milk haven’t cleared their breastfeeding and/or mothering engrams.
This Land O Lakes symbol is way more decipherable than the millions of other advertising tricks aimed at the public’s subconscious mind/wallet/pocketbook.
April 23, 2013 @ 4:56 pm atomb
The Droste effect uses “infinity” to sell the idea of continuance to the public. It’s what happens when you stand between two mirrors.