Mind Reading for the Millions


By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Mind Reading for the Millions (MRM) is the new name for Body Dowsing.

Body Dowsing was being confused with radiesthesia.

C-Shock is one of three new names for Engram.

Richard Semon’s engram was being confused with L. Ron Hubbard’s engram.

I’ve split up Professor Semon’s engram into three primary types …

C-Shock = Cognitive Shock.

P-Shock = Physical Shock.

S-Shock = Surrogate Shock.

Without these three Shock Traps, mechanical shock wouldn’t abide in protoplasm.

It would pass through tissue like earthquake frequency waves through Jell-O.

Why Mind Reading for the MILLIONS?

Because at its basic level it’s so doggone easy for anyone to do.

The most important thoughts regarding health are the ones we don’t know we’re having.

For example, in the 1995 movie Powder, the main character (Jeremy “Powder” Reed) says …

“You ever listen to people from the inside? Listen so close you can hear their thoughts and all their memories? Hear them think from places they don’t even know they think from?”

'Mind Reading for the Millions' has 1 comment

  1. January 6, 2016 @ 3:59 pm Atom

    We Are All Pure Energy …



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