Mind is stronger than Brain. Your thoughts are stronger than their origin.

The future creates the past, not the other way around.

The Universe is unfolding, not evolving.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) often said, “We ‘cell’ our cells short.”

Stan Gooch (The Origins of Psychic Phenomena: Poltergeists, Incubi, Succubi, and the Unconscious Mind, 2007) wrote …

“Probably the most daunting and famous case of hypnosis on record concerns a boy aged sixteen who suffered from a congenital, progressive, structured disease of the skin, present from birth. The condition, ichthyosiform erythrodermia complex, is resistant to all forms of treatment. In it, a thick, black, horny layer covers most or all of the body, and this layer itself is covered with further warty excrescences. The skin, if such we can call it, is as hard as a fingernail. Any bending or flexing of any part of the body causes painful cracks, which ooze bloodstained serum. The condition also gives rise to an objectionable smell that others find intolerable.

“On 10 February 1951, in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the boy concerned was hypnotized and told that his left arm would clear of the disease. Five days later the horny layer softened, broke and fell off, to reveal normal new skin beneath. In later hypnotic sessions the remainder of the body was successfully treated. The whole case was observed throughout by specialists and reported in full in the British Medical Journal.”

Mind trumps Matter 99 percent of the time, and those are pretty good odds.

'Mind Trumps Matter 99% Of the Time' has 1 comment

  1. July 22, 2014 @ 2:58 pm atomb

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