Swami Nadabrahmananda (1896-1993) was the greatest Nada Yogi and Master of Taan of his time.
Taan is the Yogic science of anatomical vibration.
Nadabrahmananda had the unique ability to emit sound from anywhere in his body — ears, top of skull, base of spine, etc. — with his mouth completely sealed and his nose plugged with mud.
It goes without saying that he had mastered the “breathless state” of delta brain wave control.
I sat in a chair next to Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) at Nadabrahmananda’s lecture and concert (Indian zither and tabla) in Houston, Texas.
Nadabrahmananda asked the packed house, “Does anyone here have a silver dollar?”
No one answered.
“Does anyone here have a silver dollar?”
No answer.
“Does anyone here have a silver dollar?”
Adano raised his hand.
Adano walked up to the stage, handed the Swami a silver dollar, and returned to his seat.
Nadabrahmananda explained how he was going to position the silver dollar on his upper forehead, and how his control of vibration would keep it in place throughout his concert.
Then he reached down to pick up the silver dollar.
It wasn’t there.
He fumbled and searched, yet couldn’t find it.
Nadabrahmananda apologized for losing it, and re-asked, “Does anyone else have a silver dollar?”
No answer.
“Does anyone else have a silver dollar?”
No answer.
“Does anyone else have a silver dollar?”
Up went Adano’s hand.
Nadabrahmananda stared intently at Adano approaching the stage.
Adano handed him the silver dollar, and Nadabrahmananda commanded, “You! Over THERE!”
He pointed stage right (and to the left of us in the audience).
Nadabrahmananda performed his entire concert with Adano crouched on one knee on stage.
Dr. Bob Wright (a Swami himself) had Nadabrahmananda hooked up to a biofeedback machine for the entire concert.
Nadabrahmananda remained in a breathless delta brain wave state (with an occasional lapse into theta) throughout his concert.
Dr. Wright commented, “This is impossible, of course.”
The silver dollar never fell off the Swami’s forehead till he removed it himself.
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