Patrick Timpone


Neil Slade

The Amazing Brain Adventure

Neil Slade- is an author of ten books on brain and behavior including Tickle Your Amygdala, The Frontal Lobes Supercharge, Brain Tuning, Secret of The Dormant Brain Lab and The Book of Wands, and Brain Magic 2/Creativity From Another Dimension. He is also a lifelong musical composer, seasoned concert performer, and teacher.

Slade studied and worked for 11 years at Colorado’s Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory, established in 1957.

Since December 1997, Neil has been a regular guest on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory and Art Bell, the world’s most popular night time syndicated radio show.

Slade has also been a repeat guest of national PBS television and radio host Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove (Thinking Allowed), and has appeared on countless other radio, television, and internet broadcasts across the globe.

His educational books are easy to understand explorations of how the human brain works, and how to access creativity and problem solving. The Frontal Lobes Supercharge has been translated and published by Rowohlt Verlag*, and has remained in print in the U.S. for twenty-one consecutive years.

Show Highlights:

-Controlling the amygdala with the most advanced part of the brain

-Learning how to predict when something will be good for you or bad for you in advance

-Perceiving reality based on our expectations

-Do we really only use 10 percent of our brain?

-The effects of music in paranormal consciousness

-Fear and how to deal with it

and more!

Visit Website


neil slade on the brain, april 21, 2014

'Neil Slade – Tickle Your Amygdala: The Amazing Brain Adventure – April 21, 2014' have 2 comments

  1. April 21, 2014 @ 1:41 pm Nick

    Link not working as of 11:47am MST.


    • April 21, 2014 @ 2:02 pm skg

      It’s fixed now.


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