Niacin Flush
by Atom Bergstrom
“Nothing can out-itch niacin,” according to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty).
Here’s what Adano Ley told me about a niacin flush …
1) Poison oak, poison ivy, etc. — take 1,000 mg niacin with 750 mg vitamin C.
2) Venomous snake bite, poisonous spider bite, etc. — take 2,000 mg niacin with 1,500 mg vitamin C.
3) Rabies, etc. — take 3,000 mg niacin with 2,250 mg vitamin C.
Even a doctor hater like me would show up at the emergency room for the possibility of rabies.
I only know of one documented case of survival and read about another undocumented case.
The above is not medical advice, so talk to your health professional before doing anything foolish.
More than several other wellness hotshots advised backing up niacin with vitamin C to prevent liver damage and capillary damage, including Carl Pfeiffer, Durk Pearson, and Sandy Shaw.
According to mainstream “beaker boy” research, if niacin is used routinely, it loses its ability to counteract the above conditions.
Adano told me long-term use of niacin “waterlogged tissues,” but Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw took 10,000 mg a day and fared well. They were both born in 1943 and are in the vicinity of 80 years old.
According to Adano …
“Insects use formic acid as a poison. Niacin is like a thief to catch a thief. Formic acid is like a bullet in a gun. Niacin is like the safety catch. People who can’t handle insect bites are eaters of meat and milk products. They should use niacin. Grind it up and add it to water for a niacin flush. Take it at 3:00 in the afternoon on an empty stomach for quicker urination effect at Bladder Time.”
Urinary Bladder Time is 3:00-5:00 p.m.
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