Ancient Chinese texts (before 20th-Century translators put their fingerprints all over them) considered the left kidney to be the only true kidney.

The embryological development of the two kidneys is considerably different.

According to The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Eighty-One Difficult Issues (Nan Jing) …

… the right kidney is not a true kidney.

The Circulation-Sex Meridian used to be the Right Kidney Meridian and was called the Door of Life.

The Door of Life was also known as the Gate of Life, the Gate of Vitality, the Fire of Water, the Door to the Fire of Life, the Fire Kidney, and the place “where Jing and Shen stay.”

Steam heat is generated by combining the energy of the Water Kidney with the Fire Kidney.

The kidneys are supposed to regulate the sex drive, but sex is mostly regulated by the kidney associated with the Circulation-Sex Meridian.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) called the left kidney the “elimination kidney” and right kidney the “absorption kidney.”

Today, both kidneys – rightly or wrongly – are considered to be part of the Kidney Meridian, and the Gate of Life has been moved to the area midway between the kidneys.

Some of the best translations of acupuncture texts were done by American dentists in the 19th Century.

Just as dentists in the 20th Century were more open to Applied Kinesiology than their medical contemporaries, dentists in the 19th Century were more open to Asian medicine than their medical brethren.

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'Once Upon a Time There Were 2 Kidney Meridians' have 3 comments

  1. October 10, 2012 @ 11:38 am atomb

    The right kidney was also considered the home of Primordial Qi.

    • October 11, 2012 @ 8:36 am Ryan

      Thanks for the addendum. It’s an important one!

      • October 11, 2012 @ 12:34 pm atomb


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