One World Order
Re: They can’t make it a law, only a strong suggestion as I understand it.
It’s a strong suggestion with a $250 fine for not obeying the strong suggestion.
Does that mean no jail when you refuse to pay the fine?
Or when you get caught not wearing a mask 22 times? $5,500?
When a warrant is put out for us for refusing to pay any of those fines, I can never go to jail?
That’s wonderful! That’s America!
Suggestion? “Middle English (in the sense ‘an incitement to evil’).”
The New World Order is anything but “NEW.”
Don’t blame the Bush Dynasty (except for milking it for all it was worth).
Rev. Samuel Zane Batten (The New World Order, 1919) wrote …
“Let us recognize the fact that it is man’s duty to be a worker of some kind, to be a producer of values; and he is under obligation to produce commodities and values to the utmost. It is true that man has progressed somewhat beyond the deficit economy. But he has not fully reached the surplus economy. Society has few resources, and for the present each person must be a producer.
“In recent times a means has been devised for creating efficient workers and increasing the product. Every one who is acquainted with the facts knows that many workers ‘soldier’ at their tasks and refuse to do their best. Various methods have been devised for stimulating the workers and developing initiative. By bonuses and profit-sharing, by fines and pace-making, employers have tried to evoke more energy and skill from the workers. These things have accomplished something; but the results have been disappointing and uncertain. During the past decades there has been a detailed study of labor operations; and there has been developed a system of scientific management [see Wikipedia for details]. We cannot here describe this system in detail; suffice it to say it endeavors to eliminate lost motion in the worker, to reduce waste effort to the minimum, to stimulate the worker to do his best and enable him to produce the maximum amount.”
According to MORPHEUS …
“The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, Neo, endless fields where human beings are no longer born. We are grown.”
Reverend Samuel Zane Batten was one of many “American pulpit leaders” who TOOK THE NAME OF THE LORD GOD IN VAIN by supporting the U.S. racist eugenics crusade.
Reverend Batten first wrote about eugenics in 1908.
The International Sunday School Committee regarded eugenics as one of its top priorities.
'One World Order' have 5 comments
July 12, 2020 @ 5:17 pm Atom
According to Pam Popper (Apr. 10, 2020) …
“It seems like we’re having an entirely different reaction to the Coronavirus than we are to the flu that we have every year. In other words, if 25 to 50,000,000 documented cases doesn’t shut down air travel and lock everybody in their houses, how can 459,165 cases do it? And if we’re used to tens of thousands of deaths annually, why, when we hit even 5,000 deaths, was everybody locking everything down? This just doesn’t make any sense at all.”–e-books.php#Coronavirus-Tips
July 12, 2020 @ 5:19 pm Atom
According to Vernon Coleman (“Your Government Wants You Dead,” Jun 28, 2020) …
“What I didn’t expect was that governments and health officials around the world would use the Coronavirus to trigger a mass extermination program.
“Today I don’t think anyone not working for a government or the mainstream media can doubt that the elderly have been marginalized, targeted, and eliminated.
“It’s now clear that the aim all along was not to protect the elderly but to get rid of them.
“Horrifying as it sounds, I firmly believe that an essential part of the Coronavirus Crime was to murder as many old people as possible.”–e-books.php#Corona-Diary#2
July 12, 2020 @ 5:21 pm Atom
Fabienne Lang (“Digital Health Passport Could Open the Door to Safe International Air Travel,” Interesting Engineering, May 28, 2020) wrote …
“Could life resume as normal thanks to a secure digital health passport? VST Enterprises believes so, as does former U.K. Sports Minister Richard Caborn, who was paramount in bringing the 2012 Olympics to London.
“The company has created the V-Health Passport, which runs on the groundbreaking cybersecurity tech VCode. The passport is ready to hit the ground running and checks COVID-19 tests that include both antigen and antibody testing.”
According to the same source …
“CEO and founder of VST Enterprises, Louis-James Davis, explained ‘A digital health passport is the key to unlocking quarantine restrictions for anyone who is traveling from country to country.'”
David Icke ( …and the Truth Shall Set You Free, 1996) wrote …
“The next step is to say how much more convenient it would be if customers had a little microchip under the skin without the need to use a card. Give your freedom away. You know it makes sense. Look at the supermarket queues you will avoid!”–e-books.php#Corona-Diary#1
July 12, 2020 @ 5:22 pm Atom
According to George Carlin …
“Think of how entertaining it would be if all the people on TV still had their original teeth.”
July 12, 2020 @ 5:24 pm Atom
According to Will Rogers …
“My folks didn’t come over on the Mayflower, but they were there to meet the boat.”