
Patrick Timpone



When Anything Goes…

And Usually Does!!!
Come play doctor with us!
Patrick talks with listeners and ponders emailed questions from the audience. Call in and participate on Fridays; we’d love to hear from you!

Show Highlights:

-Ayurveda: Patrick talks about Dr. Lisa Raskin, our guest from yesterday, and how eating in time with the sun is explained in Ayurveda which is a bit different from eating in time a la Atom Bergstrom

-How a few little spices in your food can make a big difference with digestion and absorption of nutrients

-Using Rescue Remedy for anxiety

-Creating hardship and drama in our lives in order to learn lessons and open our eyes

-Food for thought:As you probably know we are experiencing a drought here in California. Food for thought: In the California Central Valley it takes one gallon of water to grow a single almond!

Atom Bergstrom adds:It takes 1,056 gallons of water per gallon of brewed coffee.There’s plenty of water in California, hidden underground by billionaires on their private land, including Dick West, the creator of TV’s Law & Order.Not to worry. Erin Brockovich is down on the case! *:-)/\:-) high five

-Robert calls in to discuss lipospheric vitamin c; could it help keep him off heavy duty Hep C drugs? Jon writes in about his sister taking a Hep C drug which cured the disease, but caused hair loss. Jon ends up calling in to give more information

-Patrick gets sentimental talking about Easter celebrations in his family when he was a boy

-Patrick talks about why he’s excited about using acerola cherry for making lipospheric vitamin C

-Jon tells us how he cleared up his allergies

-Dee calls in to talk about worms and parasites and how she now has them under control

and so much more!


Patrick -  The Morning Show

open phone friday with you and patrick, april 3, 2015, part one

'Open Phone Friday – For Every Action, There’s A Reaction – April 3, 2015' has 1 comment

  1. April 3, 2015 @ 12:48 pm jon

    I wanted to to add, as a fellow victim of catholic school… They still do teach that unbaptized babies and pets go to limbo.


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