Oxygen Pumps the Heart #2




By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Matthew Joseph Rodermund, M.D. (1854-1919) …

“If I could be instrumental in freeing deceived and suffering humanity from the bondage of fraud, deception, and murder perpetrated upon it by the courteous and gentlemanly medical profession I should feel prouder of it than of any honor that this country could confer upon me.”


E.H.J. (“How the Blood Circulates Without the Aid of the Heart,” Journal of Medicine and Science, Mar. 1899) wrote …

“‘Administering an anesthetic the abdominal cavity was opened, the aorta and the continuous arteries and accompanying vein were laid bare along their whole length to the end of the foot, making nearly four feet of blood-vessel exposed in one continuous length. The hog was then suspended by its hind legs; and the aorta was tied close to its emergence from the diaphragm. In less time than it takes to tell it the entire blood-vessel — four feet straight upwards, with all the accompanying branches — was empty, while the veins increased in their fullness. The aorta was then untied and the blood was then permitted to circulate, and when it had found its equilibrium, both the large artery (aorta) and vein were ligated at their emergence from the diaphragm, thus absolutely cutting off the circulation from any influence from the heart — the arteries all emptying themselves of their blood just as readily as when the artery alone was tied, the only difference being that the veins of the lower portion of the body became full.’

“Dr. Rodermund thinks that this experiment alone demonstrates beyond question the fallacy of the old teaching. But, after this, he removed the stomach and intestines and repeated these experiments with the same results. The animal was taken down and laid upon the table, the aorta ligated at the diaphragm, and all its branches between this point and its bifurcation were also tied. ‘It was then ligated at its bifurcation, when the blood-vessels emptied themselves beyond this point. The ligatures at the bifurcation was then removed and again the remaining blood between the mentioned space started alone, although not as rapidly as at first.’

“Rodermund states that the aorta from the heart nearly up to the iliac bifurcation is as firm, non-contractile and solid in a full grown hog as a rubber lawn hose, so much so that it can be drawn together with difficulty with a ligature. In all animals it is white and of a fibrinous character. ‘In the steer, the aorta at its large end is a quarter of an inch thick, a solid tube, and remained in all large animals in this firm condition when empty; but when we watch the passing of the blood through arteries in the small vessels, we see a waving motion of the blood which has probably been construed into contraction of coats of the artery. A similar waving motion can be felt in a rubber tube with a narrow nozzle at one end of the tube attached to a forcible hydrant.’ Hence, he thinks that the muscular contraction of the blood-vessels as an aid to the circulation of the blood has been too much and wrongfully harped upon by physiologists. He believes that ‘the little transverse elasticity of the smaller arteries has no influence upon the circulation of the blood, but only gives space for the various changes of the blood pressure that must of necessity occur very often under the many different conditions produced from differences in respiration, excitement, brain or muscular activity and many other emotions that the human being is subject to while awake or asleep.'”

(To Be Continued.)

'Oxygen Pumps the Heart #2' have 3 comments

  1. February 21, 2019 @ 1:09 pm Atom

    A single Body Dowsing session can almost always identify the Prime Cognitive Shock.


    • February 20, 2022 @ 1:07 pm RadioFan

      Mr. Bergstrom:

      Please publish the remainder of the remarkable Rodermund article/paper.

      Thank you.

      • February 21, 2022 @ 8:45 pm Atom

        He was a remarkable doctor.

        His paper should be here in four parts — Oxygen Pumps he Heart, #1, #2, #3, #4.

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