John Rubino – The Collapse of the Dollar; Cryptos; Inflation – October 20, 2021

John Rubino Dollar Collapse is managed by John Rubino, co-author, with GoldMoney’s James Turk, of The Money Bubble (DollarCollapse Press, 2014) and The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It (Doubleday, 2007), and author of Clean Money: Picking Winners in the Green-Tech Boom (Wiley, 2008), How to Profit from the Coming Real Estate Bust (Rodale, 2003) and Main Street, Not Wall Street (Morrow, 1998)….

Santos Bonacci – The Lost History and Hidden Truth About Our Earth – October 19, 2021

Santos Bonacci The Lost History Santos Bonacci is a longstanding researcher in the fields of Astrology, religious symbolism, and alchemy, weaving these threads and many more into a perspective called Syncretism. He’s well known for his work on Astro-theology, which demonstrates the deep astrological roots of religious iconography from cultures world-wide. Syncretism shows how all…

Patrick Timpone – Do They Really Know How Cells Work? Think Again – October 18, 2021

Patrick Timpone Structured water gel is toxic from poisons.  Fever (heat) melts this gel, and toxins come out.  Is how saunas work.  Hippocrates says: With fever, I can cure anything.  Germ theory built on Enders work, which isn’t true. We’re always communicating info to each other back and forth.  We don’t catch anything or transmit…

Patrick Timpone – It’ll Be A Winter of Discontent for Those Who Don’t Prepare – October 15, 2021

Patrick Timpone It’ll Be A Winter of Discontent for Those Who Don’t Prepare Bridgette calls and chats it up.  Her favorite talk at the True Healing Conference was The Secret Intelligence of Water by Veda Austin. John thinks he’s been poisoned.  Activated charcoal is the first go-to. We’re just not going to play in this Great Reset. …

Patrick Timpone – The Matrix Is Getting Slimier and Stickier By the Day; How Can We Stay Out of It? – October 8, 2021

Patrick Timpone The Friday Show The Matrix Is Getting Slimier and Stickier By the Day; How Can We Stay Out of It? There’s nothing we see in other people that we don’t have in ourselves. The only people that aren’t protected are the ones choosing to get the jab.  You have to let something in…

David Wolfe – This Is By Far the Biggest Wake Up Call for Humanity – October 6, 2021

David Wolfe David Wolfe (b. August 6, 1970) is an author, lecturer, and personality in the fields of natural health, beauty, and nutrition. Wolfe was among the first to bring superfoods such as raw and organic cacao (chocolate) beans/nibs, butter, and powder, goji berries, maca extract, and cold-pressed coconut oil into general distribution in North…

Fred Dashevsky and The Real World of Money – It’s Getting Hard to Hide All the Problems: Debt, Inflation, Empty Shelves, Etc. – October 6, 2021

Fred Dashevsky The Real World of Money Fred Dashevsky is from Long Island New York. He attended University of New York at Albany and studied psychology, political science, and economics. Fred started in the coin business in 1984 in Northern New Jersey opening several offices in Southern California in the mid 80s. He returned to…

Atom Bergstrom – Are Humans Becoming Obsolete? – October 4, 2021

Atom Bergstrom  Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…

Patrick Timpone – The Land and Life of Opposites – October 1, 2021

Patrick Timpone The Land and Life of Opposites 2400 pages in the proposed infrastructure bill.  What is in there? Check out Charlie Sewell’s forms on ORN for vaccine exemption.  Legislation introduced in Arkansas legislation to exempt people with natural immunity, or negative tests, from vaccine mandate. God-given rights trump civil rights.  Courts don’t recognize God-given…

Dr. Melissa Sell – Until You Learn How Your Body Works, You Will Perpetually Be In the Hands of Someone Else – September 29, 2021

Dr. Melissa Sell TEACHING MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL AGES HOW TO OVERCOME THE FEAR OF SYMPTOMS AND ADOPT THE MINDSET OF HEALING Topic: German New Medicine Dr. Melissa Sell is a chiropractor and Germanic New Medicine Consultant. She helps people to understand their symptoms from the GNM perspective, guides them in learning to trust…

Patrick Timpone – Winning By Quietly Not Complying – September 29, 2021

Patrick Timpone “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Could it be that “The Boys” are doing everything they can to get people into the streets, so one day they declare Martial Law when it gets out of hand, or before? How should we handle their…

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