Richard Proctor – The Constitutionality of the Election & Can It Be Overturned? If so, how? – December 14, 2020

Richard Proctor The Constitutionality of the Election & Can It Be Overturned? If so, how? Richard Proctor is a retired professional who has been a member of the Constitution Party for over 10 years, and previous candidate for the State of Utah Auditor in 2008 & 2012. The goal of the party in Utah is…

Open Phone Friday – Nationalism, Globalism, Spirituality, Soul, the “still voice within,” “Golden Tongue Wisdom,” -December 11, 2020

Show highlights: Patrick discusses the Texas election suit to the Supreme Court and Dominion Voting Systems. He mentions Richard Proctor (Nov. 17, 2020, ORN), an expert on the U.S. Constitution. Atom writes in: “According to Rush Limbaugh, Texas is trying to secede from the Union again. Cascadia is too, according to other sources.” Patrick discusses…

Dr. Stephanie Seneff – Glyphosate and COVID-19: Is There A Connection? – December 10, 2020

Dr. Stephanie Seneff Glyphosate and COVID-19: Is There A Connection? Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She received the B.S. degree in Biophysics in 1968, the M.S. and E.E. degrees in Electrical Engineering in 1980, and the Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science…

Tom Luongo – At the End of the Day, There Will Be a Fight for the Soul of This Country – December 9, 2020

Tom Luongo Publisher of Gold, Goats n’ Guns Newsletter Tom Luongo is a former research chemist and writer on markets, culture and geopolitics.  He publishes regularly on his blog, Gold, Goats ‘n Guns at as well as the Gold Goats ‘n Guns Monthly Newsletter which provides a portfolio strategy for retail-level investors to make sense of…

Robert Von Sarbacher – Unique & Easy Protocols for Detoxification and Better Health – December 8, 2020

Robert Von Sarbacher Unique & Easy Protocols for Detoxification and Better Health Robert Von Sarbacher is a Trader in the Stock Market and a Nutrition Consultant with two master’s degrees. Robert has been studying nutrition for half his lifetime and was guided into health and nutrition when his partner at the time stopped eating refined…

Atom Bergstrom – Corona Crazies, the “Big GRIN,” & Health Q & A – December 7, 2020

Atom Bergstrom Time Conscious Living Atom Bergstrom, born Gosta Ingvar Bergstrom, Jr, is credited as the founder of Sun Sync and the leading expert on a Sun-Centric lifestyle. Atom’s journey towards health, nutrition, longevity, and meditation goes back to 1955, when he first started reading books by D.C. Jarvis, J.I. Rodale, Carlton Fredericks, Adelle Davis,…

Open Phone Friday – Deep Down Inside, We Really Do Have All the Answers – December 4, 2020

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Patrick starts today’s show off with a Cobalamin Tonic, “breaking the rules” by adding cream.He discusses the national debt and why prices go up. According to Catherine Austin Fitts (Nov. 3, 2020, ORN), the debt is up to $40 million.“YouTube slammed it,” Patrick says, referring to his interview with David Icke (Nov….

Catherine Austin Fitts – Deep State Chaos and The Great Monetary Reset; What can we expect? – December 2, 2020

Catherine Austin Fitts Deep State Chaos and The Great Monetary Reset What can we expect? Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read…

Matthew Ehret – Who the Globalists Are and Why They Will Stop At Nothing to Unseat President Trump – November 2, 2020

Matthew Ehret Lord Malloch Brown Revealed: The British Hand Behind the Coup Shows Its Scales Again Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review ( and the Rising Tide Foundation. He is an author with Strategic Culture, The Duran, Fort Russ, LA Review of Books- China Channel, and has…

Open Phone Friday – People say, “Have you heard what they’re doing?” Listen and understand who they are – November 27, 2020

OPEN PHONE FRIDAY Show highlights: Patrick had been watching FOX News recently till he realized how much it was affecting him.“How is it possible that these people are even functioning?” Patrick contemplates, referring to all the people listening to mainstream media.Patrick follows this theme in reference to globalism in detail. Matthew writes in from South…

Richard Maybury – A Revolution Should Happen Every 20 Years to Slap Down Government Control – November 25, 2020

Richard Maybury Founder of The Early Warning Report Richard Maybury is widely regarded as one of the top free-market writers in America. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other major publications. Richard Maybury publishes one of the most well respected newsletters on investing in the World: Early Warning Report. He’s asked us to…

Amandha Dawn Vollmer – We Earn Our Diseases; We Create Them – November 24, 2020

Amandha Vollmer Holistic Health Practitioner and Author of Healing with DMSO Amandha Vollmer is a 46 year-old mother who holds a degree of Doctor ofNaturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology. Most of her life, Amandha has taken a keen interest in botanical…

Dr. Jennifer Daniels – It’s Simply Fun to Feel Better and Be Well – November 23, 2020

Dr. Jennifer Daniels Author of The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine is No Accident  Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to not prescribing enough drugs and truly healing her patients. Dr.Daniels is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today. She graduated from Harvard University…

Niaby Codd – Author of The Spirit of Life; We are going through an ascension process; everything is in line with the Divine – November 19, 2020

Niaby Codd Author of The Spirit of Life The Spirit of Life: Book, Channeled with the Spirit of Merlin, Empowers Readers to Reconnect with their Divine Wisdom Niaby Codd had felt the deep yearning for personal healing, as she faced her own demons and battled with poor health. Unexpectedly, it was a spirit that would ultimately…

Richard Proctor – The Constitutionality of the Election & a Mandatory COVID Vaccine – November 17, 2020

Richard Proctor The Constitutionality of the Election & a Mandatory COVID Vaccine Richard Proctor is a retired professional who has been a member of the Constitution Party for over 10 years, and previous candidate for the State of Utah Auditor in 2008 & 2012. The goal of the party in Utah is to spread the…

Dr. Richard Massey – Just Being In A Body Is Cause for Rapture – November 16, 2020

Dr. Richard Massey, MD Your Health Questions Answered Dr. Richard Massey joins us LIVE once a month to take health questions from our listeners. He is an MD practicing Wholistic and Natural Medicine [email protected] Dr. Massey a call for a phone consultation830-992-1143 Show highlights: eM-Wave heart bio-feedback monitor; it measures the magnetic wavelength coming off…

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