Patrick Timpone

All of the players in the healing arts and media are a major problem as they believe in viruses

We don’t think we need to kill anything…. ever

If we need meat, fish to thrive we can treat them with respect, feed them well and bless them as they give up their life for us

Parasites are there to clean up the mess we make by poor thinking.

All the time we spend in worry and angst, uncertainty this damages the cells in the body.

The Virus, Bacteria, Fungus and Parasites eat up damaged tissue.

Now there are times when things get way out of balance we may want to kill some parasites.

Why would there be anything on the Earth Plane that is here to try and kill us?

'Patrick Timpone | Just Because Parasites are Found at the Scene of the Crime Doesn’t Mean They Committed It: Could They Be There Cleaning Up the Mess? | September 25, 2023' have 3 comments

  1. September 26, 2023 @ 7:42 pm hans

    glasses are parasights.


  2. October 4, 2023 @ 11:33 pm Lenny

    I guess now you know the truth


  3. October 9, 2023 @ 2:18 am Saori

    I learned of the passing of Patrick from Max Igan. You will be deeply missed and rest in peace.


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