The racist “science” of eugenics – currently disguised as “biotechnology” and “genetic engineering” – was rampant in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth century.

U.S. American eugenics and racial sterilization programs inspired Hitler’s ethnic cleansing programs.

Eugenics courses were taught at many U.S. universities, including Harvard, Cornell, and Columbia.

Detailed racial records were kept by the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) and the American Breeders Association (ABA).


The list of eugenics and “racial cleansing” proponents – from the fanatical to the luke-warm – is much longer than most people realize.

An Internet search of several hours revealed a few of the earlier “true believers” …

Lord Arthur Balfour, William Bateson, Alexander Graham Bell, Luther Burbank, Alexis Carrell, Calvin Coolidge, Winston Churchill, Major Leonard Darwin, George Eastman, Charles William Eliot, Havelock Ellis, Irving Fisher, Henry Ford, Sir Francis Galton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Madison Grant, Mrs. E.H. Harriman, Oliver Wendall Holmes, Lucien Howe, Reverend R.C. Hull, Aldous Huxley, Roswell Johnson, David Starr Jordan, John Harvey “Social Purity” Kellogg, John Maynard Keyes, Harry Laughlin, D.H. Lawrence, Joshua Lederberg, Reverend Dr. Kenneth C. MacArthur, Oscar C. McCulloch, William McDougall, Bernarr McFadden, William P. Merrill, Frederick Osborn, Linus Pauling, Raymond Pearl, William Lyon Phelps, Alfred Ploetz, John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, Ernst Rudin, Margaret Sanger, George Bernard Shaw, Reverend Charles Slattery, Marie Stopes, Lewis Terman, Edward Thorndike, Reverend Charles L. Walworth, Sidney Webb, H.G. Wells, Albert E. Wiggam, Charles Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, Victoria C. Woodhull, Emile Zola, etc., etc., etc.


Did you notice all the university chancellors in that list? Yale, Harvard, Stanford, etc.


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'Pharmacogenomics Is Eugenics Using Plant Delivery Systems' have 4 comments

  1. June 27, 2012 @ 3:01 pm atomb

    Eugenics remains a “Nazi” thing.

    I met a medical doctor in Fort Worth who recently hosted fifty Argentinian Nazi horse breeders at his ranch deep in the heart of Texas.

    They all had connections to the Third Reich, mostly by blood.

    Eugenics was originated by elitist Virginia and Texas horse breeders.

    They effectively controlled the Rockefeller Foundation, the Harriman Foundation, the Carnegie Institution for Science, the Population Council (the original one the 1952 Population Council is based on), the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the Immigration Restriction League, and most of the other major eugenics organizations.

  2. June 27, 2012 @ 4:04 pm atomb

    Contraceptive corn on the cob is being foisted on the unsuspecting populations of Native American reservations and Third and Fourth World countries.

    “Innoculicious” vaccine-delivering “vehicles” such as vaccine-potatoes for hepatitis B and vaccine-bananas for human papilloma virus are examples of “medgetables” developed a decade or so ago.

  3. June 28, 2012 @ 2:51 am John

    Hi Atom, I am exercising more now and my body is very stiff. What can I eat at what time to improve flexibility ?

    • June 28, 2012 @ 4:13 pm atomb

      Silica-rich foods restore flexibility, heal scar tissue, and build strong bones.

      Bamboo is famous for its flexibility and is jam-packed with silica.

      Silica occurs in all three Growth Periods.

      My Full Spectrum Time Sequenced Food List contains a complete list of silicon foods.

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