A “BIPOLAR CONTACT” is a “Bridge Circuit” accomplished by holding two reflexology points simultaneously in two different reflexology Zones.

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“The thumb is neutral, the index finger is negative, the middle finger is positive, the ring finger is negative, and the little finger is positive. The thumb should be used on the anterior of the body, and the fingers on the posterior. The thumb should be higher than the other fingers, and the thumb should be closest to the Sonic Zone.”

A thumb placed on the Kidney Reflex and a finger on the Bladder Reflex is an example of a Bipolar Contact bridging the Kidney and Bladder reflexes on the foot.

In Zone Reflexology, ten energies run through the entire body, five on the left and five on the right, with the Sonic Zone (METAL) situated in the middle (medial) and the Crystalline Zone (EARTH) on the sides (lateral).

Accurate Zone Reflexology charts can be found in the 95 year-old classic, Zone Therapy: Relieving Pain at Home, 1917, republished 1994, by William H. Fitzgerald, M.D., Edwin F. Bowers, M.D., & George Starr White, M.D.

Returning to our Power Fingers, in Zone Reflexology …

The Sonic Zone (METAL) passes through the thumb.

The Gaseous Zone (AIR) passes through the index finger.

The Thermal Zone (FIRE) passes through the middle finger.

The Liquid Zone (WATER) passes though the ring finger.

The Crystalline Zone (EARTH) passes through the little finger.

These five energies are also known as TATTVAS, and the three middle ones of AIR, FIRE, and WATER are called the TRIDOSHAS.

The connected state of human consciousness, joining METAL to AIR by forming a “zero” with the thumb and index finger – the Chin Mudra – is incorrect, according to Adano.

METAL is joined to AIR via the BOLT LOCK, folding the index finger tightly around the thumb.

Non-involved meditation is assisted by separating the thumb from the index finger of both hands by 90 degrees.

The 90-degree “space” between METAL and AIR symbolizes the division between the unmanifest (METAL) and the manifest (AIR).

This “space” is known as the Rings-Pass-Not (surface tension), and is represented by the Mason’s Square, aka the Carpenter’s Square or Builder’s Square.

It’s the symbol of “integrity” and “justice.”

Adano said …

“Your hands are a direct agent of the brain, negative and positive brought together. You’ve got five fingers to fixate you, and five fingers to pull you out.”

Using both his index fingers alone – the QI or AIR fingers – a martial arts master bulldozed me entirely across the floor of his spacious dojo and up against a wall.

He poked me in the gut with both fingers, knocking the “wind” out of me, while admonishing, “Learn to BREATHE.”

I was a rank amateur, but he did exactly the same thing to all his Black Belt students.

No one could budge the master an inch no matter how hard they tried to push him across the room.

(To Be Continued)

PS: This blog was inspired by my friend and fellow Adano Ley initiate, Thomas Liberto, LMT, of Liberto Therapy Associates in Lake Worth, Florida.

He’s a Massage Therapy Alliance of America Inductee for the 2014 “Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.”

Thomas met Adano in 1974, and we both graduated from Adano’s Texas Institute of Reflex Sciences in 1977 (or so).




'Power Fingers of Metal Air Fire Water & Earth' has 1 comment

  1. March 5, 2012 @ 2:50 pm Thomas liberto | Imagedisc

    […] Power Fingers of Metal Air Fire Water & Earth | One Radio Network […]

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