I’ve been lucky enough to share quality time with one of the greatest spiritual mentors currently on our planet – Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) of WuDang Mountain in China.

Master Chen said, “90 percent of humans on Earth [are] doing wrong Tai Ji. They don’t have gasoline for the car.”

He taught, “If you don’t understand kai he, you are not doing Tai Ji.”

KAI HI is like a bow and arrow.

HE is pulling the bow back.

KAI is simply letting go.

HE is both constricting and centripetal energy.

KAI is both expanding and centrifugal energy.

The more the bow is pulled back – the deeper the mediation – the further the arrow flies … effortlessly.

Qi is our vital energy, our life force.

It is NOT magnetic – as some “experts” claim – but Qi is a generator of both electrical and magnetic energy.

PreHeaven Qi is also called “original Qi,” “congenital Qi,”or “inherited Qi.”

PreHeaven Qi is similar to our Western idea of heredity and usually considered as irreplaceable, whereas PostHeaven Qi can be conserved by exercise, healthy eating, positive thinking, fresh air and sunshine, etc.

Most Western longevity systems are solely concerned with PostHeaven Qi – SLOWING the aging process, not STOPPING it.

Qi Gong issolely concerned with PostHeaven Qi and the 12 ordinary meridians.

Tai Ji is mostly concerned with PreHeaven Qi and the 8 extraordinary meridians.

Qi Gong offers health, whereas Tai Ji offers immortality.

The “Hayflick limit” is a barrier to Qi Gong, but not to Tai Qi.

Tai Ji involves 3 things …

(1) the form (“cosmetic Tai Ji”),

(2) application (using Tai Ji for defense,ideally as a “peaceful warrior”), and

(3) internal alchemy (the GASOLINE).

Here’s some quotes from a workshop taught by Master Chen at a 9-day workshop at Jimmy & Fay Salvagio’s Two Creek Ranch in Fayetteville, Texas …

“Each time your eyeball rolling, your eyeball flipping, you’re feeding the monkey another banana.”

“See and not see. Once eyeball is stationary, no more dysfunction.”

“If your eyeball doesn’t flip, there’s no monkey.”

“If you can dysfunction your eyeball for 30 seconds, I give you one thumb up. If you can dysfunction your eyeball for one minute, I give you 3 thumbs up.”

“When I was really young, I was real monkey. […] At 13, I’m not human anymore.”

“Beyond one-half hour [of stopping eyeball movement], you become immortal. You can be buried under the water or you can be buried under the earth.”

“You have to learn to ride the dragon.”

“Yes, no, or maybe – I choose all between the 3 dimensions.”

Master Chen (Yun Xiang Tseng) can easily be found in cyberspace. :)

He’s fishingfor students “downstream with a straight hook.”

'PreHeaven Qi & PostHeaven Qi' have 4 comments

  1. October 10, 2017 @ 9:44 pm Amber

    With reverse breath, would the upward pull of Du channel be the HI and KAI be “letting go” down the Ren channel?

    • October 12, 2017 @ 4:10 pm Atom

      That’s a question for Master Chen.

      I only know that reverse breathing induces Magnetic Flow (Kundalini), the opposite of Life Flow (the Life is in the Blood).

      Magnetic Flow is the State of Shock, not the more serious manifestations of Shock and Acute Shock.

      Mindfulness is Magnetic, and Zen (the zenith of mind) is Barometric.

      Magnetic Flow is also Mind Flow, and it only ceases when all that flows is Blood.

      • October 13, 2017 @ 11:36 am Amber

        *bulging eyes, gaping mouth emoticon* …that sounds like not such a great thing, but he recommends to use reverse breath in Tai Chi videos… unless somehow through true Tai Chi that is being…cleared in some way? I don’t know.

        Movements of Tai Chi aside, “Life Flow”…in reference to breath then would be more of just…not putting any thought or “effort” into it other than…noticing? and relating to the out breath?

        • October 26, 2017 @ 10:47 am Atom

          Life Flow can be amplified by following the clockwise motion of the blood with the hands.

          Magnetic Flow can be amplified by reversing the motion.

          Life Flow can be amplified by lightly stroking the arm or leg; Magnetic Flow by striking them.


          Life Flow connects to the skin and environment.

          Magnetic Flow connects to the spine and psychic forces — Kundalini, our “spare tire.”

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