In 1975, the eminentMadrid cardiologist and heart surgeon, Dr. J.M. Sanchez-Perez, asked me to behis U.S. representativefor teaching hissystem of developing psychic abilities. (He and his wife were living in Mexico City at the time.)

Foolish or not, I turned him down.

Dr. Sanchez-Perez showed me numerous microscopic slides of the arterio-venous glomic anastamoses at the nail beds of both hands and feet.

He discovered a fundamental correlation between these anastamoses and the paranormal abilities universally demonstrated in lesser or greater degree by human beings.

The “nerve yarns” comprising these anastamoses are essentially ANTENNAE that can be activated in various ways.

According to Dr. Sanchez-Perez …

“… the vascular sensitive neurocells of the arterial system, mainly found at the bottom of the fingernails and in the carotid sinus, serve as an antenna for that marvelous transmitter and receiver called the brain.”

He discovered that any paranormal ability is a HYPERACUSIA of any given sense; hence (in chakric and tattvic order) …

(1) clairolfaction,

(2) clairgustance,

(3) clairvoyance,

(4) clairsentience, and

(5) clairaudience.

After my initial meeting with Dr. Sanchez-Perez, I quickly bee-lined it to the nearest telephone booth to tell Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) about the doctor’s research.

Adano groused back …

“Well, that’s no big deal, brother. He’s simply rediscovered the Akabane points that have been known in the Orient for thousands of years.”

Akabane points – intensively investigated by Japanese acupuncturist Dr. Kobei Akabane – are known in Chinese acupuncture as Jing-Well points.

Adano later explained that the Akabane points are “mediators” between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and that these points affect “compression on the left side of the brain” and “suction on the right side of the brain.”

(The above is crucial information for meditators.)

Adano said “the brain doesn’t think, it pulsates” and thought is “the impulse rate to brain geometry that you realize.”

This impulse rate, a constriction and dilation action, can be synchronized to the vasoconstriction and vasodilation of the Akabane points by integrating the nervous, vascular, and respiratory systems.

Synchronization techniquesactivatingparanormal senses will bea (responsible) part of the curriculum at Atom’s School of Self-Healing (when its doors finally swing open).

My e-books & e-booklets are available at …

[email protected]

FB: Atom’s School of Self-Healing at




'Psychic Powers At Your Fingertips' have 10 comments

  1. April 23, 2012 @ 3:50 pm atomb

    J.M. Sanchez-Perez, M.D. (Our Sixth Sense: An Organic Theory of the Unknown, 1978) wrote …

    “First, around each artery there are accordion-like nerve fibers embedded into the layer of tissue (the adventitia) that covers the outside of the artery. The vascular system actually serves as a support for these highly sensitive specialized nerve fibers. In the normal state of the vessel the coils can be seen as quite regularly spaced apart. But in vasodilation of the artery these coils are spread farther apart. In vasoconstriction they are brought closer together. This is because these nerve fibers are not elastic, not capable of stretching in accordance with the arteries. Dilation and constriction are the most important functions of the arteries.

    “Second, it has been found that at the base of each nail of the hands and feet (in the subungual layer) there are other small neurovascular elements (called arterio-venous glomic anastamoses). Each one of these is formed of a very small connecting vessel between a capillary artery and a capillary vein, and this connection is entirely surrounded by a very long nerve fiber rolled into a thick yarn. The number of these neurovascular elements varies greatly from one individual to another, some having as few as 3 on each finger to as many as 400.”

    3 on duty are better than 400 off duty. :)

    • April 23, 2012 @ 4:15 pm atomb

      This vasodilation and vasoconstriction is the reason acupuncture points are MOBILE – not confined to TCM’s standard anatomical locations.

      Standard anatomical locations were used to sell “Traditional” (hardy har har) Chinese Medicine to U.S. medical doctors unable to grok the “scientifically impossible” actuality of paranormal anatomy and physiology.

      I first learned this from Swami Nitty-Gritty, but many acupuncturists not boxed in by acu-dogma are familiar with this acu-point mobility (Seiji Irie, Mark Seem, etc.)

  2. April 23, 2012 @ 5:27 pm atomb

    Re: Even if the reactors don’t collapse and they clean up all the reactors around the world its too little too late. The Genie is out of the bottle,

    Someone needs to research why pigs are six times as vulnerable to ionizing radiation as cows …

    … or why the acidic state of hibernation offers protection against radiation.

    The genes for human hibernation are in the pancreas – specifically in PTL (pancreatic triglyceride lipases) genes, and its Yogic versions are Savikalpa Samadhi (immobile hibernation) and Nirvikalpa Samadhi (mobile hibernation).

  3. April 24, 2012 @ 2:08 pm suz


    Is it possible to increase our psychic powers by stimulating the nail beds of our fingers and toes?

    • April 24, 2012 @ 4:36 pm atomb

      Yes, but you have to guard against overstimulating individual acupuncture meridians.

      6 are on the fingers of each hand and 6 are on the toes of each foot for a total of 12 meridians.

      Swami Nitty-Gritty regarded psychic powers as a “spare tire” because there’s a cost factor.

      Cosmodyne Energy – the power of Synchronicity – never drains you.

      On a scale of 1 to 10, there’s a (1) modest to (10) exorbitant cost factor for using Kundalini Energy – the Siddhis.

      Time-Conscious Eating utilizes the power of Synchronicity and the anterior posterior gland, and the Siddhis use Kundalini power and the posterior pituitary.

  4. April 24, 2012 @ 6:23 pm atomb

    Re: Anchovies?

    They were one of the two hardest foods for me to give up when I was an ovo-lacto-vegetarian for 14 years.

    From my Full Spectrum Time Sequenced Food List …

    anchovy (aka Engraulis encrasicholus) (high in calcium, iron, DNA, RNA, & omega-3 fatty acids) Anchovies swim in massive schools and usually don’t grow larger than 8 inches.

    • April 24, 2012 @ 9:24 pm atomb

      Re: What was the second hardest food to give up??

      Bacon. :)

  5. April 24, 2012 @ 9:09 pm atomb

    Re: How are cleansing and finances related to guilt?

    In acupuncture, the Large Intestine Meridian associates with GUILT and the Urinary Bladder Meridian with SHAME.

    Guilt, shame, and embarrassment (“bare ass”) are probably subsets of the primary emotion SEPARATION DISTRESS, according to neurobiologist Jaak Pantrepp.

    It’s a well-known psychological concept that money and feces relate to each other in the “unconscious” mind.

    Dreaming of feces supposedly portends to such things as “future wealth,” “financial windfalls,” “having money in hand,” etc.

    Almost 100 years ago Freud wrote …

    “Thus the interest in feces is carried on partly as interest in money, partly as a wish for a child …”

  6. April 25, 2012 @ 2:32 am Dick

    offtopic… can i do that? [seriously]

    Respected healer and guest on Patrick’s show, Andreas Moritz, says garlic may be dangerous to eat. Would eating it on time be the (answer) to any dangers it might present?

    • April 25, 2012 @ 2:47 pm atomb

      I welcome off-topic questions. :)

      Many Yogis and Yoginis are scared of garlic and onions because they stimulate the Circulation-Sex Meridian.

      They do, so it depends on what spiritual path you’re traveling.

      Even at primal levels of the brain, free of socialization processes, filial love and sexual love share the same psychobiology.

      Freud pointed this out, and modern neuroscientists are validating it.

      In the original Yoga of India, back in (and before) the ancient days of Mohenjo-Daro, you weren’t considered meditating without a penile erection or clitoral engorgement.

      Ditto for Tai Chi’s Microcosmic Orbit.

      Ditto for the early Moravian Church – it’s the reason John Wesley quit the Fetter Lane Moravians to form his own Methodist Church.

      Garlic can help both men and women ejaculate.

      Many women retro-ejaculate without knowing it – a significant cause of bladder infections. :(

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