“Adano,” I asked. “Which is the most important when you do therapy, the Midnight-Noon Law or the 5 Element Law?”

“Neither,” Swami Nitty-Gritty replied. “The trauma is the most important.”

According to Nitty-Gritty, “There are 5 primal reasons why the body breaks down – structural break, bacterial invasion, nutritional imbalance, genetics or heredity, and trauma. Trauma takes precedence over all.”

Experience has taught me there’s usually only 3 ways for a person to deal with a psychic (emotional) trauma …

(YES) Accept the trauma completely and live it to the bone.

Unfortunately, denial is not the same as acceptance, and denial is a significant cause of disease.

(NO) Release the trauma, and distance yourself psychologically and/or geographically from the person or persons involved.

However, ain’t it curious how you keep encountering the “same” spouse or boss you’ve left 9,000 miles behind?

You can’t solve an internal problem with an external solution (with very rare exceptions), and the reverberation circuit keeps goinguntil you finally resolve the issue.

Swami Nitty-Gritty’s definition of karma is “an action that hasn’t completed itself.”

(MAYBE) A trauma is often a challenge to the immunity for the overall design of evolution (“for the greater glory of God”).

My friend Greg Whiteley once put it, “If you live on the third floor, you’ll keep meeting people who live on the third floor. Not till you move up to the fourth floor will you meet people who live on the fourth floor.”

'Psychic Trauma (Emotional Trauma)' have 2 comments

  1. June 5, 2011 @ 10:45 am ptimpone

    we’ll want to talk more about this on our Show this Monday, June 6 at 9 AM. Interesting stuff, we’ve spend some time the past couple of weeks discussing emotional blocks, trauma et al.

    Will be a blast to get your insights on same.



    • June 5, 2011 @ 1:28 pm atomb

      Thank you, Patrick. :)

      I’m looking forward to it.

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