Folks who’s like to lose weight can – for the most part – interpret this information in reverse.

Bobdybuilder Casey Viator gained 63.21 pounds in 22 days in the well-known “Colorado Experiment” – with the help of Nautilus creator Arthur Jones.

Another time – and this is not well-known at all – he gained 75 pounds in 3 days without exercising.

Not even bodybuilder Joe Meeko could eat enough food to accomplish that. (It’s said that if Joe Meeko had been invited to the Last Supper, it would still be going on.)

100 or so years ago an emaciatedmanroutinely “inflated” himself into an obese one back and forth again several times a night in a circus act for Barnum and Bailey.

Obviously, weight gain and loss isn’t just about calories.

Calories relate to the Thermal Endocrine Matrix – philosophically called the Third Chakra.

Cellular pressurization (a single fat cellis capable of expanding1,000 times) relates to the Pneumatic Endocrine Matrix – philosophically called the Fourth Chakra.

When correctly UTILIZED, the Fourth Chakra can kick the Third Chakra’s butt any day of the week! :)

In the words of Kevin Trudeau, Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About, Updated Edition, 2004 …

“You put in ten pounds of soil, and you put in one tiny little seed, and every day you add some water, and at the end of the year you have this big plant. Well, take the plant out, shake off the soil from the roots and weigh the soil. Guess what? You still have ten pounds of soil. The only thing you added was some water. If you were to measure the water, you may have added about five pounds of water. Theoretically, the plant should weigh no more than five pounds if it grabbed 100 percent of the water. But the plant weighs fifty pounds. Wow! What happened? How did fifty pounds of mass and matter magically appear?”

(To be continued – more theory plus practical weight optimization TECHNIQUES.)

'Pumping Up (Literally) the Weight' have 4 comments

  1. May 27, 2011 @ 2:01 am shellinspector

    The plant absorbs CO2 and converts it into cellulose by means of photosynthesis.

    I remember studying both photosynthesis, protein synthesis and cellular respiration back in college, and the first that astounded me was how remarkably complex these things are. Take away one tiny detail, bend one hydrogen bond in some enzyme a half a degree and the whole machine breaks down, dragging everything else with it.

    The point I am trying to make is following: the fact that we are alive and able to talk about these things is in the mercy of some higher organizing principle, or simply put, God. Therefore, oftentimes the best thing to do for us is not to stay in the way. But this is exactly what we oftentimes do by all this bio-engineered food, radio and microwave transmitters, toxic and ignorant dentistry and of course: fear, anger, selfishness…

    • May 27, 2011 @ 1:43 pm atomb

      Yes, the light harvesting “machinery” of photosynthesis “happens everywhere in a flash.”

      Quantum entanglement is the basis of Chronobiotic Nutrition – eating “in time” to reap the benefits of the “quantum elements in clock organization.”

      The quantum fractal “geometry” involved in photosynthesis is “continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere.”

      “On time” is the particle and “in time” is the wave.

      “In time” is the power behind the drone of the ancient oracle, the I Ching: The Chinese Book of Changes.

      On the subject of higher organizing principles, what’s your take on Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj saying the “I AM” created God, and not the other way around?

  2. May 30, 2011 @ 2:29 am shellinspector

    Hi Atom!, Thanks for a great question. Here is my take on it.

    Talking of the nature of God is a shaky affair and seldom brings about any definite answers. Nature of the Divine has qualities that confuse human logic: “it is here and nowhere”, “it is always and never”, “it is you and not you”. One needs to abandon logic to reach God. Now, the phrase ” reach God” or “reach the understanding of God, within yourself or elsewhere” uses this quirky verb – “reach”, the same one we use if we want to get something from a tall kitchen drawer, because it is above us. It is an ascending process, requiring us to move against the field gradient.

    “Saturn 5” was a huge rocket, requiring much energy to put a man on the Moon.

    Now reaching God would require efforts that we are not capable to provide. We don’t posses enough fuel, we don’t have the right fuel, we don’t know where to fly, and we don’t even have qualities of mind to decide to fly in the first place.

    In Vedas they say that if is not easy for a commoner to get the audience of a King, but for a King it’s a matter of minutes to get to see that commoner. That is because the _descending_ (from up to down) process is so much more powerful than the _ascending_ (from down to up.)

    So attaining spiritual goals in 2 simple steps:

    1. Realize that the Divine IS. Seeing glimpses of the Divine you are granted as a mercy and a privilege of the Divine itself.

    2. Abandoning self-pride devote your life to Deserve the King to start looking for you.

    Now, of course anyone can refute it with logic, start to argue that there is no God, that God is you, that God is created by you, that “God is Dead” etc.

    With respect to Nisargadatta, I believe that by his good efforts he freed himself from the limits of Mind, Intelligence and False Ego. Just like a prisoner who walks out in the open world. He discovered that the concept of God is only a _mental_ concept, and therefore of little value. Now, he did not refute God or the divine at all. He did not prove nor disprove it being inside or outside.

    Where is God? I’d rather pray he finds me;-) But thats my way:-)

    PS: Not long ago, I too was, an ardent adept of self centered search for longevity, immortality, spiritual aspirations, finding freedom and bliss by meditations, and any other advanced techniques. Now, I thank God, I did not go too deep in that path, the path, IMHO, which always leads to U-turn.

    • May 30, 2011 @ 4:44 pm atomb

      Yes, logic IS overrated.

      Sri Nisargadatta said, “Each thing has innumerable causes. It is as it is, because the world is as it is. Every cause in its ramifications covers the universe.”

      The Shivapuri Baba – during his 40-year walk around the entire world – proved to Albert Einstein that 1 + 1 does not equal 2.

      1 + 1 = 1.

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