Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) said …

“Nobody astral projects. You either identify with oxygen inside the body or you identify with oxygen outside the body. Oxygen is consciousness. When you ‘astral project,’ you identify with your outgoing breath.”

Light doesn’t really travel at 186,000 miles per second.

It’s speed is ZERO.

More scientifically, TIME is the equivalent of the SPEED OF LIGHT in free space (something John T. Nordberg has been telling Establishment scientists for years).

Adano said …

“There’s no you other than particles in a white rain.”

Proprioception is the mother of astral projection.

Proprioception is the ability to sense the position, posture, location, orientation, equilibrium, tonicity, and the movement of the body in space.

Proprioceptive awareness can easily be projected, e.g., feeling the texture of paper with the point of a pen.

Adano said …

“Nothing flows through electrical wire. All that is measured is the potential difference through the wire.”

Astral projection only requires astral consciousness, an identification with the Second Chakra, or Gonadal Reproductive Chakra.

Adano said …

“No non-Master guru can take a disciple higher than the astral realm, though they themselves may reach the causal level, but they can all back.”

Somewhere out there, maybe in Tucson, someone has a VCR of Adano “recycling” a man’s brain completely “off-line” except for an occasional spurt of Delta in the right hemisphere – measured on a Mind Mirror EEG machine.

Adano used eleven colors per chakra.

Healthy kidneys – sodium pumps – assure successful astral projection.

Sharks – holistic kidneys incarnate – routinely astral project, locating both prey and predators with an internally generated electrical field.

Acupuncturists use astral projection. SHIELD an acupuncture “needle” with lead and see what happens.

The astral body is also philosophically called the “emotional body,” and why Adano instructed …

“Lie to yourself if you want to be energetic.” :)




'Quantum Physics of Astral Projection' have 6 comments

  1. February 3, 2012 @ 5:50 pm atomb

    One chakra isn’t “higher” than another.

    There’s little hierarchy in consciousness (apologies to Arthur Koestler and Ken Wilber).

    I don’t necessarily vouch for David Icke’s Reptiles as Masters of the Universe, but he sure gets a lot of things RIGHT. :)

    David Icke (Tales from the Time Loop: The most comprehensive expose of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free, 2003) wrote …

    “We don’t live in a ‘world’ so much as a frequency range; the one that our five-senses can access and perceive and the five-sense range of perception is tiny. Creation is not structured like a chest of draws, one level on top of another. It is made up of frequencies sharing the same space in the same way that all the radio and television frequencies do. Those broadcast frequencies are not just around your body at this moment, they are sharing the same space. This is possible because they are operating on a different frequency range or wavelength to your body and each other. Only when the frequencies are really close do we get ‘interference’ and become aware of another station. Apart from that all are oblivious to each other’s existence because they literally operate in different frequencies, different ‘realities’ or ‘worlds.'”


  2. February 4, 2012 @ 3:04 pm atomb

    Re: Chinese zodiac and Earth rotation change?

    Western astrology is based on SPACE (Hexagram 2 of the I Ching), while Chinese astrology is based on TIME (Hexagram 1 of the I Ching), so any significant change in the Chinese zodiac would be unlikely.

    To the best of my knowledge, a change in the Chinese zodiac would involve seconds (42 nanoseconds a day) compared to the Western zodiac (one degree every 72 years).

    A nanosecond equals only one second every 31.7 years.

    Astrology isn’t my area of expertise. Any astrologers care to comment?


  3. February 4, 2012 @ 4:17 pm atomb

    What about the Enneagram? …

    Marice Nicoll’s 1952 six-volume set of Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky extensively cover the Enneagram.

    The only person I’ve met face-to-face who really understands the practical utilization of the Enneagram is Robert Bays of Sedona.

    He was a major force in “kick-starting” Tony Robbins’ career.


  4. February 4, 2012 @ 4:36 pm atomb

    Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) wrote …

    “When a man begins to observe himself from the angle that he is not one but many, he begins to work on his being. He cannot do this if he remains under the conviction that he is one, for then he will not be able to separate himself from himself, for he will take everything in him, every thought, mood, feeling, impulse, desire, emotion, and so on, as himself – that is, as ‘I’. But if he begins to observe himself, he will then, at the moment, become two – an observing side and an observed side.”

    Self-Observation techniques will be taught at my School of Self-Healing. For info, go to


  5. July 24, 2021 @ 6:38 am Roy Booher

    So, how many times has someone observed the image of an individual who is projecting themselves outside of their bodies? Anyone? The same principle would apply to ghosts; wouldn’t it? Since the projection is also capable of time travel. Or is there some conjecture on that?


    • July 24, 2021 @ 6:30 pm Atom

      Why observe it when you can DO it?

      The difference between Newton and Goethe was that Newton looked AT the prism while Goethe looked THROUGH it.

      You’re confusing IMAGE and LIKENESS.

      “Nobody astral projects. You either identify with oxygen inside the body or you identify with oxygen outside the body. Oxygen is consciousness. When you ‘astral project,’ you identify with your outgoing breath.”

      The IMAGE of the speed of light travels at 186,282 miles per second.

      The LIKENESS of the speed of light travels at ZERO miles per second.


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