Rational People Use Light

By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) …

“God started with color, then made exits (bones and meridians) so He could get out.”

“Color can induce sickness.”

“Illnesses are crystallized thought. Karma is something that allows us to have these thoughts.”

“Light will work as well as moxibustion or acupuncture.”

“Systemic treatment is a total exposure to one or more colors.”

“Local treatment is specific exposure.”

“Circulation can be hypo or hyper — under or above.”

“Red will make a person bleed faster. Blue will coagulate blood.”

“You stimulate a hypo condition and sedate a hyper condition. For example, scarlet stimulates circulation, and purple sedates circulation.”

“Scarlet is a stimulant, and purple is a depressant.”

“Governor control is in the head. It’s the positive polarity, the north pole. Use green.”

“Conception control is in the genitals. It’s the negative polarity, the south pole. Use magenta.”

“Magenta is an auric builder. It keeps the aura intact.”

“Magenta will work the same as the [G. Patrick Flanagan] Energy Sensor.”

“Diminished pain is an effect of light.”

“The middle finger is always sore after an emotional discharge.”

“Whenever you find a sore spot after an emotional discharge, treat it with magenta, purple, and scarlet on the local area.”

“Yogis stand on their heads, martial artists yell, but rational people use light. To be specific, either remove tensions with a hostility discharge or use color therapy.”

“Each color is exposed to an area for five minutes successively; ten minutes between exposures.”

“Red stimulates the sensory function.”

“Orange stimulates the respiratory function.”

“Yellow stimulates the motor function.”

“Lemon stimulates the cerebral function.”

“Green stimulates the pituitary function.”

“Turquoise depresses the cerebral function. This is why the Navajo Indians wear a turquoise healing stone to open the extrasensory function.”

“Blue is antipruritic. It alleviates itching, and goes against impurities.”

“Indigo depresses the thyroid gland.”

“Violet depresses the spleen. An overactive spleen is found in diabetes, and an underactive spleen is found in hypoglycemia.”

“Purple depresses the venous system. Use purple for varicose veins.”

“Magenta depresses the suprarenals.”

“Red is for the liver and red blood cells.”

“Use magenta on the auric field, and purple or scarlet on the blood stream.”

“Orange is good for digestion.”

“Yellow is for tissue, including brain tissue.”

“Green is good for healing.”

“Blue is good for relaxing.”

“Purple is for responsibility.”

“Aquarian pink throws rocks in your ruts.”

“Neon lights resemble astral lights.”

“Black light is an evasion color. It appeals to someone trying to evade rapport.”

“Cobalt blue leans toward indigo. It’s used for the expansion of consciousness.”

“Paisley print is used extensively by American Indians. The paisley design is an energy representation.”

“Use infra-green to treat emotions below normal — turquoise consciousness, the ‘blues,’ or the ‘blahs.'”

'Rational People Use Light' has 1 comment

  1. November 20, 2017 @ 8:42 pm Atom

    One of the most powerful folk healers in the world, Terresita Urrea (of El Paso, TX, and Clifton, AZ) healed 50,000 people before dying at 33.

    Her saliva smelled like roses, and the fragrance of roses accompanied many of her well-documented healings.

    A half-hour before dying, Terresita announced, “I’m going to die soon, but I am going to come alive later and my story will create a great furor.”


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