Red & Blue Are Marriage Partners




By Atom Bergstrom

Atom’s Blog

Red is especially beneficial for men, and blue for women.

Red and blue create photosynthesis, a quantum process involving a single photon of light occupying multiple positions at the same time (BILOCATION).

We have quantum auras that can radiate or not at the same time.

We are simultaneously visible and invisible.

Only our dual mind substitutes “or” for “and.”

Catholics theologians are on point about “mixed mode of location.”


Red CREATES, blue MAINTAINS, and green EXPERIENCES — Sat Chit Ananda.

Experience is BLISS. Anything else freezes the vagus nerve — it’s fight, flight, or freeze.


Green experiences the Infra-Green and Ultra-Green Universe (Mono-Verse).

Infra-Green includes red, orange, yellow, and lemon (yellow-green).

Ultra-Green includes turquoise (blue-green), blue, indigo (blue-violet), and violet.


CLEAR Red Toxic Engrams by overcoming CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE wounds (“trauma” in Greek-speak).

CLEAR Blue Toxic Engrams by overcoming REJECTION wounds.

CLEAR Green Toxic Engrams by overcoming RESENTMENT (reincarnation) wounds.


Red = Hydrogen

Blue = Oxygen

Green = Nitrogen

CLEAR = CARBON DIOXIDE (Total Life Forever).


Kathy Fediw (The Manual of Interior Plantscaping: A Guide to Design, Installation, and Maintenance, 2015) wrote …

“Plants use light energy that is primarily in the red and blue wavelengths for their growth and survival. The rate of photosynthesis peaks around 430 nanometers (blue) with a secondary peak at 670 nanometers (red). […] The rate of chlorophyll synthesis is nearly opposite, peaking at 655 nanometers (red) and again at 400 nanometers (Gaines 1977). Interestingly, our ability to see light peaks around 550 nanometers (green), making green the easiest color, and the most restful color, for our eyes to see.”

'Red & Blue Are Marriage Partners' have 3 comments

  1. December 8, 2016 @ 4:23 pm Atom

    William & Ellen Hartley (“Light and Your Health,” Popular Science, Feb. 1969) wrote …

    “Chinchilla growers have found that under bluish light almost all offspring are female. Litters produced by animals under pink light are predominantly male.”–e-books.php


  2. December 8, 2016 @ 4:26 pm Atom

    Visible Light in nanometers (billionths of a meter) …

    Red = 620-740

    Orange = 590-620

    Yellow = 570-590

    Green = 495-570

    Blue = 450-495

    Indigo = 420-450

    Violet = 380-420


  3. December 8, 2016 @ 4:29 pm Atom

    “Why did you send the earthquake to Mexico?” we asked Swami Nitty-Gritty.

    “They needed the work,” he replied.–pics-adano-ley.php


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