John and Vera Richter operated the Eutropheons, 3 cafeterias serving raw plant food in Los Angeles for over 25 years.

According to John T. Richter & Vera M. Richter, Nature the Healer, 1936, 1942, 1962 …

“Fruits are not night foods. They should be eaten in the morning, because they are an eye-opener, a tonic, the eliminators of waste that have been produced in your body during sleep.”

“The daylight foods are leafy herbs, like lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, cresses, celery, and endive. They are grown in the light of the sun. We do not eat their roots, just their tops. These are very good for tissue building. They make you strong, healthy, and robust, as they are rich in earth salts.”

“In the evening you will want something to help repair your body while you are asleep. What type of food will do this? The roots that grow in darkness, under the ground, that see no sun, but are rich in earth salts because the edible portion grows in the soil itself.”

This, of course, is a description of the 3 Growth Zones of Solar Nutrition.

(Nature the Healer is still available from Health Research, PO Box 850, Pomeroy WA 99347.)

A thought-provoking view of time polarity was cited by John N. Ott (Health and Light, 1973) …

“A possible explanation for some sort of nighttime radiation that is not present in the daytime might be derived from Van Allen’s suggestion that the solar winds, consisting of charged particles emitted continuously from the sun at velocities varying from 670,000 to 1,600,000 m.p.h., compress into a rounded thin layer on the daylight side of the earth and sweep into a long tail on the night side. Van Allen further suggests that the earth’s magnetic field causes a positive electrical charge on the morning side of the boundary and a negative charge on the opposite or evening side.”

(Next on Atom’s Blog – “Roots of Solar Nutrition / Adano Ley”)

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