The Growth Zones – Zones 1, 2, and 3 – of Swami Nitty-Gritty’s version of Solar Nutrition were known in ancient Egypt.

Moses was introduced to the Solar Science and the Growth Zones while he lived there.

“Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in his words and deeds,” according to Acts 7:22.

The Egyptian scarab is a symbol of “the 3 light zones of the ecology, the 45-degree angle of light, the 90-degree angle of light, and the bounce range of light.”

Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) explained, “The structural outline of man is taken from the beetle. The Egyptian scarab is a representation of the 3 zones of calcium distribution in the human body.”

The Indo-Germans knew about the Growth Zones because of their close relationship to Mother Nature.

Julius Caesar pointed out, “The only beings they recognize as gods are things that they can see, and by which they are obviously benefited, such as sun, moon and fire; the other gods they have never even heard of.”

In the late 1800s, there was a revival ofthe “old ways” in a social movement known as Lebensreform (Life Reform).

Lebensreform’s “return to nature” involved health foods, raw foods, alternative medicine, full-frequency spectral solar therapy, hydrotherapy, soil reform, communitarianism, nudism, and sexual and religious liberation.

Proponents of Life Reform included Eduard Baltzer, Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach, Fidus (Hugo Hoppener), Gusto Graser, Hermann Hesse, Adolf Just, Father Sebastian Kneipp, Louis Kuhne, Rudolf Steiner, Richard Ungerwitter, and many others.

(I’vementioned Father Kneipp’s early-morning barefoot walking technique on Patrick’s show several times.)

Between 1895-1914, hundreds of Lebensreformenthusiasts migrated to America, including proto-hippie Bill Pester (a friend of RudolphValentino), Dr. Benedict Lust (the Father of Naturopathy), and Professor Arnold Ehret (of Mucusless Diet fame).

The Nature Boys (Children of the Sun) adopted the Lebensreform and Naturmensch (Nature Lover) lifestyle, including eden ahbez (George Alexander Aberle), Gypsy Boots (Robert Bootzin), Fred Bushnoff, Gypsy Jean, Tyyne “Toony” K. Miettinen (who lived in Ojai), Buddy Rose, Bob Wallace, Emile Zimmerman, etc.

Some of these Nature Boys worked for John and Vera Richterat their Eutropheon health food cafeterias in Los Angeles, including the one in Laurel Canyon.

eden ahbez -who wroteNat King Cole’s major hit of 1948, “Nature Boy” – camped out under the “Hollywood” sign and played piano for the Richters.

(I knew Gypsy Boots and still have 50 or so photos I took of him. Gypsy was a guest on Steve Allen’s TV show 25 times.)

John Richter and his wife operated the Eutropheon cafeterias from 1917 to 1942, and he wrote a book published in 1936 called Nature the Healer, and he described the 3 Growth Zones.

(Next on Atom’s Blog – “Roots of Solar Nutrition / John Richter”)

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