Re: What is the original source of Time or Solar Nutrition?
Swami Nitty-Gritty (Adano Ley) maintained Solar Nutrition began 10,000 years ago in Mongolia.
According to him, it was developed in what is now the Gobi Desert during the Solar Dynasty – a dynasty Indian historians associate with the ancient city of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.
The many aspects of TIME and TIMING have beeninvestigated by humankind for centuries upon centuries – examples include Astrology and the Ayurvedic science of Dinacharya.
The Midnight-Noon Law (Zi Wu Liu Zhu) – dividing the 24-hour day into 12 Organ Times – has been used by doctors of Oriental medicine for centuries.
Zi & Wu Ebb & Flow has been traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), but it’s certainly more ancient than that.
The Midnight-Noon Law – actually the 3:00 AM-3:00 PM Law – correlates 12 acupuncture meridians with the 12 Organ Times …
3:00-5:00 am – Lung Time.
5:00-7:00 am – Large Intestine Time.
7:00-9:00 am – Stomach Time.
9:00-11:00 am – Spleen-Pancreas Time.
11:00 am-1:00 pm – Heart Time.
1:00-3:00 pm – Small Intestine Time.
3:00-5:00 pm – Urinary Bladder Time.
5:00-7:00 pm – Kidney Time.
7:00-9:00 pm – Circulation-Sex Time.
9:00-11:00 pm – Triple Heater Time.
11:00 pm-1:00 am – Biliary Bladder Time.
1:00-3:00 am – Liver Time.
These Organ Times – and alternate nostril breathing – are environmentally anchored to Local Solar Time (Sundial Time).
The roots of Solar Nutrition also go back to the ancient I Ching: The Chinese Book of Transformations. (Bamboo-slip editions first appeared before the Third Century BC.)
Everett Kleinjans (I Ching – Book of Symbolic Communication, 1989) noted …
“Rather than seeing time as a series of individual slides in a film strip, the I Ching tends to see it holistically as the overriding factor in all situations”
One aspect of Swami Nitty-Gritty’s version of Solar Nutrition is definitelyreferred toin the I Ching …
“The power of the Full Moon lasts for 3 days before the Full Moon, the day of the Full Moon, and the 3 days after the Full Moon.”
Swami Nitty-Gritty called this 7-day period “Lunar Nutrition,” or “cafeteria-style eating,” or “Lunatic Eating,” compared to the 21 days designated for “Solar Nutrition.”
(Next on Atom’s Blog – “Roots of Solar Science / Lebensreform.”
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