The Fourth Reich is alive and well in the U.S. today, especially in Texas and Virginia.
Both states are “Horse Country.”
Horses were the inspiration for …
(1) eugenics and racial cleansing, renamed
(2) bionomics, renamed
(3) genetic engineering, renamed
(4) biotechnology, renamed
(5) “life science” and molecular biology.
A pile of crap by any other name is still a pile of crap.
Adolf Hitler’s racial cleansing program was born and bred in the United States.
Der Fuhrer had a ten-foot portrait of Henry Ford next to his desk because of Ford’s outspoken marginalization of the Jews.
Henry Ford is the only American mentioned in Mein Kampf.
I met a black lawyer in Dallas who hosted fifty Argentinian Nazis at his Texas ranch.
Many of these Nazis owned ranches in both Argentina and Texas.
This lawyer was an admirer of Hitler’s contribution to medical science.
He was in Dallas to get a hug or two from Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi).
The U.S. school system – A EUGENICS PROGRAM IN DISGUISE – was inspired by Martin Luther (1483-1546), an early advocate of compulsory schooling in Germany.
Luther’s book On the Jews and Their Lies was published in 1543, and was an inspiration to Hitler.
Some experts blame Luther’s antisemitism on his chronic constipation.
The Japanese school system was also indirectly inspired by Martin Luther.
Never underestimate the New World Order’s ability to overwhelmingly control world politics.
The New World Order’s history goes back much further than Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) and his aristocratic stuffed-shirt gang.
Noam Chomsky pointed this out in his 1993 book, Year 501: The Conquest Continues.
Mr. Chomsky is banned from 99 percent of U.S. media, including NPR (National Petroleum Radio).
Covert action is the true power behind the noisy drone of global politics, and its convoluted machinations are counterintuitive to the Unwashed, Uninitiated, Uninformed, and Uncultivated – not to mention Overeducated and Overdressed – courtesy of our worldwide Fabian/German “educational system.”
The word “system” is synonymous with the loss of sovereign free will.
Who would have guessed that David Ben-Gurion (1886-1973) “blackmailed the hell out of” Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979) to get Zionism’s slice of the pie in the Corporatocracy’s domination of Central and South America?
David Ben-Gurion was the creator of Unit 101, the special forces group responsible for the Qibya Massacre under the command of Ariel Sharon.
Martin Luther’s New World Order was also described in detail in The New Atlantis, published in Latin in 1624.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) wrote it – and The Great Instauration – for the benefit of the Ruling Class
The New Atlantis – only fragments are available to the Great Unwashed – explains how compulsory education exists only to “provide human resources to the leaders of the state and the economy.”
It’s been called People Farming, a nomination that cuts through the crap.
Our “modern” educational engineering is a product of Prussian theocracy, militarily enforced by the Teutonic Knights, and ultimately finessed at the University of Berlin, founded in 1810.
It should be re-designated as a “waste-product of Prussian theocracy” for those of us who proclaim, “It’s never too early to drop out of school.”
ADHD is targeted as a demonic threat to our brainwashed/brainwashing educational engineering because ADHD is “imagination that won’t sit still.”
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are not censored for their use of the N-word.
These rowdy ruffians are censored because they exemplify the beatific benefits of Sir George Frederic Still’s Disease (ADHD).
Why do you suppose the voluntary (not compulsory) boarding school of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not a threat to the Global Elite?
It allows our subliminally imprisoned children to blow off steam without any understanding of why they need to depressurize themselves in the first place.
Harry Potter is only a threat to the heads-up-their-butt denizens of East Texas.
Texas is only millimeters behind the worst school brainwashing bureaucracy on the planet – California.
The public school system is a sophisticated system of Crowd Control for the bountiful benefit of the One-Tenth-of-One-Percent who lord it over our planet and rape its lithosphere of its terrestrial resources via the human resources of their millions of mechanized minions.
Compulsory education stands in stark contrast to open-source learning.
Money is not synonymous with power.
For example, Larry Ellison, the co-founder and CEO of Oracle, is not one of the Global Elite.
Despite his three mansions here in monied Montecito, and the 24 (twenty-four) multimillion-dollar mansions he recently purchased in Malibu, Mr. Ellison’s power can be wrested away from him by the New World Order anytime his fortune becomes inconvenient to the Global Agenda.
Larry Ellison also owns 98 percent of the island of Lanai (and the Hawaiian airline he bought to service it).
Money and worldly power handed to you are bogus money and power.
Real money and worldly power are always taken, never given.
The word “real” can only describe worldly power.
The word “actual” describes spiritual power.
Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) taught …
“God don’t work for nobody, and neither should you.”
'School Was Designed to Shorten Human Life' have 6 comments
May 20, 2013 @ 11:44 am lydia
Hi Atom
Could you recommend any books about chakra’s that are worth reading or websites.
May 20, 2013 @ 7:13 pm atomb
The science of chakras will be prominently featured on our soon-to-be-opened Website
Stay tuned for further details. :)
May 20, 2013 @ 1:50 pm B
Thank you. Having been a recent recipient of this schooling (up and down California), I definitely think we are going in the wrong direction. We replaced learning how to think and learn (for ourselves) with spoon-fed learning about BS, and now it looks like the next thing being pushed for is a straight poop-chute from birth canal to trade school to service job.
What does it mean when the toe next to the “big toe” (on both feet) is curled under? It is longer than other toes, and there has never been pain, it is just that the front of the toe points down to the ground in a gentle half-circle throughout the joints of the toe.
May 20, 2013 @ 7:32 pm atomb
That’s the Stomach Toe.
What’s your breakfast “history” (what & when)?
May 20, 2013 @ 7:40 pm B
I am a pretty young fellow, but I’d say the majority of my breakfast growing up was breakfast cereal (the “healthy” less sugared ones like oat bran and cheerios, but still of course Kellogg, etc) and pasteurized milk. I have alway been a “big breakfast person”, and I’d say up until the last couple years I always had milk and cereal around. Sometime it has been eggs, toast, bacon, etc. Pretty typical S.A.D. fare for Americans who eat breakfast.
May 21, 2013 @ 3:46 am atomb
Sometimes it’s better to eat a S.A.D. breakfast than no breakfast at all. ;)