A popular health food guru says bats don’t get arthritis because they do inversion therapy.

There’s never been a single case of arthritis found in small wild rodents and other small mammals either, and I’ve never seen one of these little critters doing a headstand or Downward Dog.

According to a 1977 study by Marjorie Greer, J. K. Greer, & James Gillingham (of the University of Oklahoma) …

“This study supports evidence that degenerative arthritis is widespread among wild mammals, but that life style and diet are not obvious causative agents in its development. Severe arthritis was found in the lumbering bear and the fleet-footed deer; it was found in the termite-eating giant anteater, the carnivorous wolverine, the omnivorous bear, and the herbivorous deer. One factor that appears related is age – arthritis was not found in animals with most epiphyseal plates still unossified (indicative of relatively young mammals). However, since exact age was difficult to determine in the mature animals in this study, we cannot predict what effect age has on arthritic development after animals have reached maturity. If being in captivity has some correlation to development of arthritis it would not be the only correlation. Our study showed arthritis in a variety of the captive animals whereas other studies have shown it in animals captured in the wild. Size of animal seems related since none of the small mammals we examined had arthritis, but the disorder was observed in medium-sized animals such as the wolverine, as well as larger mammals such as the bear.”

Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) knew arthritis is a CHOICE for human beings – unlike other animals.

We human beings don’t have DNA and RNA as wardens of our corporeal prisons like the other creatures living on this planet with us.

The Menninger brothers (Karl and William) labeled at least 66 percent of all ORGANIC diseases as psychogenic (based on medical nonpsychological studies by the U.S. military).

I’m at the top end of the Menninger paradigm and then some, giving placebo a 99 percent prevalence – as Adano maintained and the hands-on use my Body & Organ Language Analysis continually validates.

The Menninger brothers knew physical disease is often an EROTIC CHOICE.

Dr. Karl A. Menninger (Man Against Himself, 1938, 1966) wrote …

“That an organic disease may, in addition to its other functions, express a kind of self-love is an inference one might draw from the observations of previous chapters [of this book]. The diseased organ becomes the chief object of the patient’s attention, concern, and, it is not inaccurate to say, affection. This is a local narcissism in contrast to narcissism in the more general sense in which it is usually envisaged. Focusing narcissistic affection upon an organ does not necessarily result in a lesion; some people are notoriously ‘in love with’ their noses, hands, faces, or figures. But if we examine any case of illness closely we find what Freud, Ferenczi, and others have described, namely, an increase in the normal investment of ‘love’ in that organ at the expense of the ordinary investments in outside world objects.”

Menninger continued …

“According to our theory [Karl A. Menninger and his brother, William C. Menninger], such a narcissistic investment of love is a consequence of the selection of the organ for the self-destructive and self-punitive attack. The erotic ‘flow’ is transferred there primarily to neutralize or hold in check the other elements, and to reduce to a minimum the damage inflicted.”

Hey, I’m stuck in it too!


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