Fragrancesdevoid ofpheromonesalso havea major effect on bothsexualityand heredity.

Sexuality, as Wilhelm Reich pointed out, is a combination of neural charge and muscular discharge — bioelectric”tension pleasure” and “relaxation pleasure.”

Orgasm is “incomplete” without the involvement of all 3 autonomic nervous systems — the parasympathetic, orthosympathetic, and enteric nervous systems

The sacral nerves S2 to S4 and lower lumbar vertebraeare sexual conduits forthe parasympathetic (and mechanical friction) “discharging” system.

The thoracic nerves T10 to T12are sexual conduits forthe orthosympathetic (and psychogenic) “charging” system.

The adrenal medulla, uterus (Dan Tien), and SKINare conduits forthe enteric “anti-aging” and “electrolytic” system.

The essential oils of aromatherapy HAVE NO EFFECTon these autonomic systems if the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)is damaged.

The SCN isa master TAI MING (timing) pacemaker of the body … and intimately associated with the sense and physics of SMELL.

The SCNis entrained by being “on time” (discipline) “in time” (intuition) “all of the time” (persistence).

In other words, eating the Chronobiotic way. (BUY THE BOOK.)

Related to the superchiasmatic nuclei (there’s 2 of them), if cortisol is the “bad guy,” why does exposure to light cause a dramatic increase in this so-called “stress” hormone? (I seriously doubt we’re supposed to spend our mornings in caves or indoors.)

Grapefruit oil, lemon oil, and/or exerciseareSCN-compatible at Spleen-Pancreas Time (9:00-11:00 am) to activate and entrain the orthosympathetic nervous system.

Rose oil, fennel oil, tarragon oil, and/or nappingareSCN-compatible at Small Intestine Time (1:00-3:00 pm) to active and entrain the parasympathetic nervous system.

Rose oil is the only essential oil capable of “discharging” adrenaline to prevent its oxidation into adrenochrome in the brain.

Proper doses of vitamin C and niacin combined at Heart Time (11:00 am-1:00 pm) also neutralize adrenochrome.

When Swami Nitty-Gritty went on “cosmic vacation” in 1989, his body was suffused with the fragrance of roses.

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